chapter 4- got the job!

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It's been a day and a half and i finally did the callback, now i just have to wait like idk two weeks or a month to know if i got the part. Im careful to not let my hopes up though.
About two weeks go by and so far i got nothing from the audition so I'm pretty sure that's not a good sign but again I'm not sure how this works.
Now I'm eating breakfast with Maya and we're just talking about random things. Suddenly my phone rings.
"Hello?" I say as i pick up the call.
"Hello, is this y/n?"
"Yeah. That's me."
"Great! Well i am here to inform you that you officially got the part of Isaac for the fourth season of stranger things. Congratulations! We will be sending some emails to explain further how this all works but for now we just wanted to let you know."
"Really? Thank you so much! I'll be in touch then."
"Great, good day!"
"Yeah, to you too, bye!" I say then the other line hangs up.
"What was that about?"
"I got the part!"
"REALLY?? Yes! We're gonna work together!" She says as she rushes towards me and hugs me.
I tell the rest of the family the news and they all get exited for me, they are honestly so supportive. You would think in my family getting a part isn't that big of a deal but we still get exited about it expecially when it's someone's first ever acting job.

lost in your eyes. Joseph Quinn x male reader<3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ