chapter 28- proposal.

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I wake up and see y/n sleeping with that dinosaur named Travis i gave him on our first date. He really loves that thing, he always says it's because he reminds him of me. He's so cute i can't wait to propose to him. I never thought I'd be this happy. If me from a few years ago could see how I'm doing today he would know how worthy life can be..
I get up carefully to not wake him up and go make us some breakfast.
I wake up and see Joseph isn't here but i smell food coming from the kitchen so I'm guessing he got up and made us some breakfast.
I walk over to where he's at.
"Hey love. Good morning."
"Hey darling."
"Happy anniversary~ i love you."
"Happy anniversary love, i love you too. -he says giving me a kiss and a hug.- here, i made some pancakes."
"Thank youu."
We eat then go to our living room.
"So, what do you wanna do today?" I ask.
"Oh i actually have a surprise for you."
"Really? What is it? I mean i know it's a surprise but I'm curious."
"Your gonna have to wait and see. But I'll tell you something. Tonight at 8pm were going out. You don't have to dress fancy or anything like that."
The day goes by and soon we decide to get ready to go out. We change into our outfits and head to his car where he's gonna drive us to the surprise.

 We change into our outfits and head to his car where he's gonna drive us to the surprise

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We get into the car and i play our song, lover boy-queen, on the ride there.
We get to the place and i realize it's the exact place where we had our first date.
"I can't believe you did this!" I say going to hug him after we got out of the car.
"You like it?" He asks.
"Are you kidding me? Yes! I love you so much." I say.
We pulls me in for a kiss as i lean on the car. We pull apart and walk to the park holding hands.
We spend like two hours there and then we decide to go on the ferris wheel.
We get in it and it starts going up.
"I love this view."
"Me too."
"Thank you. For everything. You know, before i auditioned for stranger things i was in kind of a dark place.. i didn't feel anything i was numb all the time and didn't see a point in life but.. when i met you that began to change you know? Your the most amazing person i know and the best thing that has ever happened to me. You make me feel like I'm alive again. I love you so much." I say hugging him.
"I love you too.. you changed my life and i love you like I've never loved anyone or anything before. The thought of not having you in my life is horrible and i want to make sure that that never happens. -the ferris wheel stops at the top as he kneels down Infront of me and gets a ring box.-
Y/n.. will you marry me?"
"Yes! Of course I'll marry you!" I say hugging him and crying a bit.
He puts the ring on my finger then kisses me.
I wish I could stay in this moment forever.. i love him so much.
The ferris wheel goes back down and we get out of it.
After that we decide to head back to the car and go home.
"I can't believe we're gonna get married! If me from the beginning of the filming of stranger things saw me now i would be having a fucking gay panick that would never end."
"Yeah, me too." He says with a chuckle.
We drive home and lay down on our bed.
"When do you wanna tell the others?"
"We could do that tomorrow."
"Ok. I love you."
"I love you too."
Then, we both fall asleep.

lost in your eyes. Joseph Quinn x male reader<3Where stories live. Discover now