chapter 27- i love you.

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It's been like two hours sense we posted about us and we've been hanging out.
"Love, can i tell you something?"
"Yeah, of course."
"I uh- i love you." He says blushing hard.
"I love you too!" I say jumping to hug him.
"You know, i really wanna marry you someday."
"I would love that too. I love you, darling."
I can't wait for our three year anniversary, I'm planning on proposing to him then. But i want it to be a surprise.
"Hey, tomorrow is our anniversary! Can you believe it's been three years already?"
"Yeah, i know! It's so weird. I've never been happier in my life."
"Me too."
Joseph gently holds my face and kisses me.
A while goes by and we're getting ready for bed.
"Hey, what do you think of just moving in together once and for all? I mean we basically already do that why not make it official?" I ask.
"Yeah! Let's do it."
We spend a while talking about it and decide that we're gonna live at my place and sell his. It was his suggestion too so i know thats the best option.
"Goodnight love."

lost in your eyes. Joseph Quinn x male reader<3Where stories live. Discover now