chapter 5- night.

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A couple of months go by normally as one expected. Me and Maya have been rehearsing a lot and tomorrow is finally our first day on set!! I'm so fucking exited it's insane!
"Hey y/n, just letting you know we have to be on set at exactly 8am tomorrow so we better wake up around 6:45ish am, ok?"
"Sure! Um can I ask you something?"
"Of course!"
"I'm really nervous.. do you think the people there will like me?"
"Yes, are you kidding me? Most of the cast already know you and adore you. it's ok to be nervous, it's only your first day trust me you'll be fine."
"Thanks. Well we better head to bed then, we gotta big day tomorrow."

(Sorry ik this is short I'm going to class rn)

lost in your eyes. Joseph Quinn x male reader<3Where stories live. Discover now