chapter 22- when?

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We walk over to Jamie and decide to go to a restaurant near by.
Once we get there we find a nice table and sit down.
*I am fluent in Portuguese but i know some of you aren't so I'm gonna use the cursive font when someone is supposed to be speaking in Portuguese.*
"Hello, can i take your order?"
"Hey, what do you guys want to drink? I know a bit Portuguese."
"Really? That's cool! Um I'll have a coke."
"Ok. hi, we would like three cokes please."
"Anything else?"
"No thanks."
"Ok, I'll bring your drinks soon."
"Ok." I say.
"How come you never told me you speak Portuguese?" Joseph says.
"I don't know, it never really came up."
"Yeah, that was cool. Now we don't have to ask them to speak English cause that would be awkward." Jamie say laughing.
We order food and it arrives in like 6mins.
"So, are you guys gonna anounce that your dating to the public?" Jamie asks.
"I mean we are planning on it but we haven't decided exactly when tho." I say.
"Yeah, it's probably gonna be after vol 2 is released but we're not rushing it."
"Cool, can I ask you guys something completely out of the subject?"
"What the hell is a vecnussy?"
Me and Joseph burst out laughing nearly choking on our drinks.
"What does it mean??" Jamie says laughing at us.
"Yeah no i can't explain that to you."
After that we finish eating and head back to our hotel rooms.
"Night Jamie, see you tomorrow."
Me and Joseph walk to our room.
"So.. when are we gonna tell everyone were together?"
"I don't know i mean, are you ready to?"
"I think so, you?"
"Yeah. As long as I'm with you I'll be ok." He says laying down next to me and cuddling me.
"I love you."
"I love you too love." He says giving me a kiss.
We fall asleep like that after a while

lost in your eyes. Joseph Quinn x male reader<3Where stories live. Discover now