chapter 17- puppies.

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I wake up in Josephs arms, i look to him and see he's still asleep. He looks so cute. I slowly get up to make us some breakfast but am careful to not wake him up.
I walk to the kitchen and make some pancakes. When I'm done, i put them on our plates and go wake Joseph up.
"Hunny.. wake up, i made us breakfast." I softly say.
"Hey.. morning." He says as he sits up.
"I made us some pancakes, i know you like them so yeah."
"Thanks love." He says as he gives me a quick kiss.
"No problem. -I say as i start to walk away. But before i can leave Joseph holds my hand, pulling me back to bed.- what are you doing?" I say with a chuckle.
"What? I want a hug." He says as i get closer to hug him.
"Your cute, you know that?"
"I try." He says laughing, now getting up.
We eat breakfast and decide to go through the thousands of notifications.
I go through Twitter and see a hashtag with the ship name they gave to Isaac and Eddie trending so i let out a little laugh.
"Hey, did you see this?" I say showing it to Joseph.
"Yeah, i have to say, i love it. For some reason i like this ship.. don't know why." He says jokingly.
"Me too."
I go through TikTok and see people already made a bunch of edits of the season. I'm glad they liked it.
After a while we get ready for the interview and head there.
Once we get there we see some of the other cast members and go say hi. Then, the interviewer comes in and we get ready to start shooting it.
I'm sitting in between Joseph and Joe.
"Ok, before we get started with the questions, here are the puppies!" The interviewer says as some puppies come running up to us.
"Ohmygod they're so cute!" I say as i pet them.
Joseph laughs at my exited reaction and we start awnsering some questions.
"So, we all know you guys from the new season of the show stranger things and we know wich characters you play. But if you had to swap characters with someone else's, which one would it be and why?"
"Ooh that's a good question... I think I'd like to play will because he's one of my personal favorite characters and i really admire his character but no one could do it better then Noah, I'm so proud of him." I say.
"Honestly? I think i would go with Steve he's just a really fun and cool character and i think it would be awesome to be joe keery for a day." Joseph says joking in that last part wich makes me laugh.
This one puppy sits on my lap as i pet it and it's SO CUTE i love this dog ISTG. I look over at Joseph and see a puppy running away from him, but i think it wants to play. I let out a laugh.
"Don't laugh~ why do they love you and not me?"
"I don't know, why won't you tell me? You have that in common~" i say mocking him, wich makes him laugh.
"Maya! Look at this puppy i want to take him home with me he's so cute."
"Yeah me too! Let's grab them and run outta here."
The interview goes on normally and soon we're on the last question.
"So, we wanted to know what was you favorite part about filming this season?"
"That's a hard one there's so many.. i think my favorite part was this day where we filmed this scene that's a bit closer to the end of the season. I don't want to say much to not spoil anything but when volume 2 comes out you'll know wich scene im talking about. But yeah it was really fun and i had a great time." I say looking at Joseph every now and then because i know that he knows what day I'm referring to because it was one of our favorite days on set.
"I'd have to say it was probably the same day that y/n is talking about, it was really fun. But i also liked filming my first scene." Joseph says.
After a while the interview ends and we all decide to have a movie night at my house.

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