chapter 20- plane.

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I wake up from my alarm i set up to get ready for the trip going off. I groan as i stop it and decide to wake Joseph up.
"Hey, baby.. we gotta get ready for our flight." I say as i gently shake him.
"Ok.. good morning love."
"Morning ~"
I take a shower and put on a comfy outfit for the long flight.

""Morning ~"I take a shower and put on a comfy outfit for the long flight

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"You ready?" I ask Joseph.
"Yeah." He says walking over to me and putting our bags next to the door.
Then, he grabs me by the waist so i can get closer to him and kisses me.
".. what was that for?"
"You just.. look handsome."
"Why thank you, you don't look too bad yourself~" i say as i kiss him again.
"We should get going."
"Yeah, don't wanna be late."
We put our bags into the car and go to the airport where we will meet Jamie.
We get there, grab our bags and walk inside.
"Jamie!" I say, walking over to where he's at.
"Hey guys!" He says hugging us.
"You exited for Brazil?"
We go through the airport, take photos with fans, pass security and soon wait in line to enter the plane.
After we find our seats, we settle in and wait for the flight to start. (I'm sitting near the window next to Joseph. Jamie is sitting in the row next to ours.)
"You ok?" Joseph asks.
"Yeah.. just not the biggest fan of flights."
"It's ok, hold my hand. I'm here with you." He says and i do just that.
"Thanks, handsome~ you know, I'm really excited to go to Brazil! My ex best friend lives there but we don't talk anymore sense he found out I'm gay."
"Me too! And im sorry about them, they don't deserve you."
After a few hours of watching films we fell asleep.
*Time skip brought to you by vecnussy*
Its been about 10-11 hours and we are finally landing.
I hold Joseph's hand tight as we land, then we all get out of the plane and go get our bags.
"Finally, that was such a long flight." I say.
"I know right?"
"Let's just get our stuff and go to our hotel." Jamie says.
We grab our things and head to the hotel.
Once we get there we decide to go to our rooms and meet up again in two hours to go out for dinner. (Jamie has his own room and me and Joseph are sharing one.)

lost in your eyes. Joseph Quinn x male reader<3Where stories live. Discover now