chapter 10- like him.

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We walk into the studio and walk towards the others.
"Hey sis." I say as i hug Maya.
"Joe!" I say as i run over to one of my best friends joe keery and hug him, i didn't get the chance to see him yesterday so i was pretty exited.
Y/n just runs up to Joe and hugs him, i kinda got jealous i don't know why..
"Hey y/n! I missed you!" He says as he hugs him back.
"Missed you too idiot."
"Maya told me you went ou with Joseph early today." He says with a smirk.. that's weird but whatever.
"Yeah i invited him to get some coffee before work." I say.
a while goes by and we're almost done shooting the hellfire club scene.
Erica rolls the dice and it lands on a twenty. Everyone celebrates and Eddie and i hug each other in excitement. I don't know why but we both blush hard.
We get done shooting that scene. Me and Joseph walk to our makeup trailer to touch up our meakup. After that we both hang out for a while sense we don't have a scene right now.
"Hey, i saw that gutar in eddies motorhome, are you gonna do something with it?"
"Yeah, actually I'm rehearsing master of puppets on the guitar because of a scene. I think I'm getting better at it."
"That's so cool! You have to show me one day."
"Sure-" he gets cut off by one of the people responsible with giving us our scripts.
"Hey guys, this is the second half of the script so now you can all work on the whole season."
"Oh, thanks!"
"No problem." He says as he walks away.
"Let's see, I'm curious. I know what happens but i don't know the exact details." I say as i go through it.
After a while Joseph has already read it and I'm almost finished with it too.
"Hey, did you see our last scenes?" Joseph says.
"No, why?" I say as he sits next to me to see where I'm at.
"Right here, before my death scene."
"Im still pissed that Eddie dies, he's the best character!" I say, making him laugh.
I read what he was talking about and we have a romantic scene were we officially make it canon that we love each other and kiss.
"Damn, they're evil i mean leave it to the last moment to show it's canon and then kills you?"
"Yeah pretty harsh huh. -he says with a little laugh.- even though it's a sad scene im actually looking forward to it."
When he says that i just blush i don't even say anything.
"Aww i made you blush again!" He says mocking me.
"Yeah, yeah."
"So uh.. you know we're gonna need to practice that scene right?" He says blushing.
"Yeah. Now look who's the one that looks like a tomato~"
We lock eye contact then he holds my face with his hands and kisses me. I obviously kiss him back as i run my hands through his well eddies hair. We stop only to catch some air but then we get startled by someone knocking on the door and letting us know that Joseph has a scene.
He gets up and gives me a cute smile.
"Yeah um, i have to go."
"Wait!" I say getting up.
I give him a quick kiss, then open the door for him. He chuckles with a kind smile.
"See you later." He says as he walks out of the door.
The rest of the day goes by and me and Joseph share some looks every now and then but after that nothing really big happens so we make plans to meet up to rehearse at his house and get ready to go home.
I say goodbye to everyone and me and Maya get in the car.
"So.. what's going on between you and Joseph? You guys kept flirting all day. There's obviously something there."
"What do you mean?"
"C'mon, you guys kept exchanging looks and making each other laugh. Just admit it, you like him!"
"Is it that obvious?"
"Your kidding right?" She says laughing.
"Ok ok! Yeah i like him.."
"I knew it!"
"Can we talk about this tomorrow?"
"Fine, but you gotta tell me everything."
"Yeah i will don't worry." I say laughing at her.
We get home and i take shower then decide to text Joseph before i go to sleep.
-good night<3
•joseph darling:
- good night n/n<3
-see you tomorrow!
After that i go to sleep.

lost in your eyes. Joseph Quinn x male reader&lt;3Where stories live. Discover now