chapter 25- vol 2.

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It's been while, we've left Brasil and today at night vol 2 comes out.
"Hey, love i was thinking.. what do you think about making our relationship public?" He asks.
"Really? I mean yeah i would love that. Are you sure your ready?"
"Yeah, I'm sure."
"When do you wanna do it?"
"Maybe a few hours after vol 2 comes out?"
"Ok. I love you." I say hugging him.
"I love you too~" he says with the biggest smile.
"God i love that smile." I say, making him blush.
I find it cute so i give him a kiss and we prepare dinner to wait for vol 2.
"Ok now we have to wait a little while for it to get ready." I say, putting the pizza we made in the oven.
"Yeah, i just hope we don't burn it." He says laughing.
I laugh too then we sit down on the couch and cuddle while waiting for the pizza to get ready.
"I can't wait to see our scene, I'm so afraid i didn't do it well enough." I say.
"Are you kidding me? You were amazing! Your one of the most talented people i know. Trust me you were perfect. Ok love?"
"Ok.. thanks babe."
After a few minutes it's fine so we get it and put the pizza on the table Infront of the couch.
"Oo it's out now let's watch it."
We watch most of it and now it's close to his guitar scene.
I look over to y/n and see how he smiles hugely everytime I appear on screen. I love how he supports me. I'm so lucky to be dating a guy like him.
I watch his guitar scene and I'm honestly so fucking proud of him. He trained so hard to learn it and he did so well.
"I have to say, this scene is pretty attractive." I say.
"Is it now?" He says with a chuckle.
We finish watching vol 2 so we decide to post something on our Instagrams.

lost in your eyes. Joseph Quinn x male reader<3Where stories live. Discover now