chapter 6- nervous.

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I wake up to my alarm going off, i look at the time and see it's about 6:46am. I get up and walk to the bathroom, once I get there i turn on the shower and take a bath. I start to think about the day ahead, i mean most of the cast knows me but there are still new people like me but idk why that scares me so much. I'm just afraid of being a burden. i snap out of my thoughts as i turn off the water and go dry myself to put on some clothes.
I mess with my hair to make sure it looks good, grab some things i might need for the day and put them on a bag then head to the kitchen to make coffee.
I get there and see Maya hasn't been here yet to i decide to make us both a cup of coffee. After I'm done making them i see Maya walk into the room.
"Hey sis, made you a cup of coffee."
"Thanks dork. So, exited for today?"
"Yeah, also nervous but mostly exited."
"I get that. Remember we're in this together k?"
"Yeah. -i say as i check the time.- it's 7am, the place is about an hour from here so we should get going, I'll drive."
"Alright, just let me go brush my teeth then we'll go."
I go brush my teeth and then me and Maya start driving to the studio.

lost in your eyes. Joseph Quinn x male reader<3Where stories live. Discover now