4 - decode

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I was dramatic. 

To be honest, I don't think that's very surprising. Dramatic is my middle name. I'd probably be voted Ninjago's most dramatic person.

But for real, I was VERY dramatic. 

Nya didn't end up killing me. She actually ended up being nice? We got on a lot better than I thought we would and I don't know if she just hated the awkward silence as much as I did but we ended up having genuine casual conversations for what felt like hours. It was just some stupid stake-out mission which ended up being absolutely nothing so we just sat in a car doing nothing for 90 minutes. 

It was very relaxing actually. 


"So how is your training with Master Wu going?" I speak for the first time in at least 20 minutes.

She glances at me briefly, a sort of surprised look on her face, "Alright?"

I wasn't sure whether she was questioning why I was talking because she didn't really want to speak or if she was confused as to why I actually cared about her life but I just went with it. I was starting conversation and it was sort of working for once. 

"I mean, it could be better but.. I'm getting there."

"That's good. Learnt any new tricks?"

This is where I was expecting her to shut down the conversation, tell me I was being rude or some stupid shit and then ignore me for the rest of the mission but.. she strangely didn't.

"I'm not sure what I can count as new. I knew about some of them before and I could kind of do them but barely? I did that weird thing Wu showed me a few weeks ago, which I think you saw from the window. I can't remember what it's called for the life of me."

I chuckle, "You can do that?"

"Yeah. Well, sort of. It's more of an attempt that looks right but is far from being perfect."

To be honest, I was focusing more on the fact she'd seen me watching her and Wu training the other week from the window (which is hard to see through because it's pretty dirty). The window wasn't even in her direction so she must've looked on purpose. She never even told me off for spying on her or gave me a weird look for it. That was good, right?

"It doesn't have to be perfect. Cole still fails at throwing a ninja star sometimes."

"I don't think he'd appreciate you telling people his embarrassing secrets," She responds, but not angrily like usual. It was more sarcastic than anything else.

"Eh, he'd do the same for me."

We sat in silence for another few minutes. This time it wasn't awkward, just kind of civil. I felt happy just sitting there, listening to the tick of my watch which seemed a lot louder than usual. It was getting pretty hot in the car - not in a weird way, it was just 27 degrees (celsius) - and I badly wanted to open the window. However, that wouldn't be a great idea because if the people we were supposed to be spying on heard us talking then we'd be screwed. 

"Have you spoken to your parents lately? I feel like I haven't heard anything about them in ages," Nya speaks up again.

I look at her with a kind of surprised look, similar to how she looked when I asked her about training. I came into this thinking it would be horrible, that she'd argue with me about something stupid. We're actually getting on really well so far, I just need to make sure I don't mess it up somehow. 

to all the people i've loved before | Ninjago BruiseWhere stories live. Discover now