6 - paper rings

143 13 10

I actually slept well for once. It's surprising how well you sleep when you're nervous.


Actually I don't know why I'm nervous. Maybe about messing it up? Both the whole making a fake relationship real and scaring Cole off. They're both very possible. I'm a terrible actor so I doubt I'm gonna be able to sell it that well so I guess it's gonna be up to Cole to really make it count. 

Man I'm scared.

I haven't heard from Nya since yesterday and I know she wants to continue our conversation, not that we really started it, and I don't want to give her the option to. Hopefully Cole and I can make our move before she can.

I don't even know what I'm gonna do. What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to act?

This is stupid coming from someone who has been in like 3 relationships. Technically 4 now?? I'm not entirely sure. Fake ones don't count, right?

I drag myself out of bed, actually attempting to get up in time for training today. Today is also gonna be quite rough, I can just feel it, so I've gotta give myself time to prepare. I'm sort of hoping Cole is already awake.

'Operation get Nya back' starts now!

After I get dressed, brush my hair (unlike yesterday), brush my teeth and prepare myself for the day ahead, I head out of my bedroom and into the kitchen, where both Nya and Kai are sat chatting. There's been no sign of Cole yet which is.. y'know.. slightly worrying.

I take a deep breath and wander in, attempting to act natural, but you know me, I am the least natural person you'll ever meet.


Ew why did I say it like that.

"Hey Jay," Nya starts, frowning a little at my entrance.

I decide to ignore my hiccup and go to grab a glass of water. That's always the first thing I do. Water is very important. My mom always taught me to stay well hydrated. 

"What's up?" Kai says, putting his cup of boiling hot coffee onto the kitchen counter.

I never understood why he always drinks coffee at the temperature it would literally burn him at. Maybe that's a special power of his? It seems like everyone has a super cool power that leads off from their element. I wonder what mine is..

I lose focus a little but return to what I'm doing. I finish making my glass of water and head over to the two, taking another deep breath. 

"So.. I was wondering if we could talk about you know what?" Nya speaks up, breaking eye contact for a moment. 

I almost choke on my water. I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. To be completely honest, I'm not entirely sure what to say. I don't want to mess anything up and there's no way I could just blurt out that Cole and I are dating - which of course we're not actually - because that would be a disaster.


"Hey guys!" 

Thank fuck.

Cole wanders into the room, smiling at me and wandering over. I smile back at him. 

"Oh hey," Nya trails off a little.

Is that a good thing?

"Hey," Cole mumbles to me as he comes up behind. 

I smile at him a little, unsure of what exactly to say. I have this weird sick feeling in my stomach and if I even attempt to say something, I'm likely to throw up all over him. 

to all the people i've loved before | Ninjago BruiseWhere stories live. Discover now