20 - read your mind

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Valentine's Day is in a few days and I'm struggling of what to get him. I know Cole's been working on something, he's been whispering with Zane, and it's so painfully obvious that he's hiding stuff so I'm just assuming it's about that. I turned to Lloyd for advice on what to get Cole. I know Lloyd knows absolutely nothing about relationships or gifts but he knows Cole really well and is probably the only person willing to help me. It was really my only choice.

He told me that I didn't need to get him anything physical, since I've never really got much money, which I completely understood. So, I'm making something that I know he would love and be thankful for.

What's the best way to win Cole's heart? Food.

Now, one day before Valentine's Day, I've taken the opportunity to make my special family-recipe brownies while Cole and Zane are out in the city. Lloyd is attempting to help me, but really, he's just licking the spoon and talking gossip.

"This is really good," Lloyd sings, "He's gonna love these."

"He better. I've poured my heart into these brownies," I smile.

"Well if he doesn't want them then I'll happily take them," he replies, putting the spoon in the sink.

"What are you up to now?" I ask him.

Lloyd shrugs, "Might make some cute decorations to put up tomorrow. I know it'd be good for you and Cole, and it would piss Nya off so.."

I chuckle, "Best part about tomorrow."

"Besides, it might help spark up whatever is going on between Kai and Zane."

"Yeah, we really gotta get that moving," I nod, pouring the brownie mixture into the greased pan, "It's starting to get annoying."

"There's definitely something going on between them though, right?"

"Definitely. I'll make it my personal mission to get those two together. They'll be making out by the end of tomorrow, I'm sure of it," I grin.

"Well I don't want to be anywhere near when that happens," Lloyd shivers, "Kissing is gross."

I giggle, carefully placing the pans in the oven.

"How long until they're done?" Lloyd asks, leaning over the kitchen counter.

"You aren't having any," I reply, "They're for Cole."

"I was just wondering.."

"25 minutes, but I'll check on them around 20," I tell him.

Honestly, I'm more worried about tomorrow than I should be. Cole's a good person but there's this small part of me that thinks he's gonna hate his gift. It's nothing huge and that's what I'm most worried about. I don't know what Cole is planning, but it has to be something big since he's been so secretive with Zane. I mean, what if it's something expensive?

I know it shouldn't matter because it's what comes from the heart that counts and I know for a fact he'd love these brownies but when it comes to gift getting, there's a huge difference of what someone with lots of money and what someone with no money can get. What Cole gets me could be so so special and brownies just wouldn't live up to that. Surely that would be a problem.

I'm just hoping that these brownies and my homemade card are gonna be good enough. The last thing I want is to let him down.

While I wait for the brownies to finish baking, I help Lloyd make some heart chains and banners to hang around the Bounty tomorrow. He's actually pretty good at art.

Fingers crossed tomorrow goes well.


April 4th. Valentine's Day.

to all the people i've loved before | Ninjago BruiseWhere stories live. Discover now