11 - moment in the sun

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I'm still really confused after yesterday. I'm not entirely sure if it was a dream or not but I was definitely up all night thinking.

What was wrong with Cole?

Why does Nya not hate me?

Why do I even care about what Cole thinks? I'm gonna get back together with Nya and I should be happy about it. I am. I think.

But is it bad that I sort of miss Cole? I kinda wanted to sneak off to his room last night and finish watching Heartstopper with him. It was such a cute show and I really enjoyed reacting to it with him. 

It's not about anything else. 

I need to focus on today. I'm not sure where Nya is taking me but I'm actually a little excited about it and sort of nervous. I don't want to mess up and make her change her mind. 

Hopefully it goes well. Hopefully I don't fuck up.

We set off early in the morning as our journey was a few hours long. We're planning on staying there for the entire day. Nya is bringing a backpack full of stuff we need and I'm not allowed to see what it is otherwise it would give away our date which is fair enough. Nya rented a car to take us there as apparently the vehicles we have aren't 'appropriate' enough for the setting. It wasn't anything too fancy as it was just for our trip there and back. 

We listened to music and chatted in the car, much like we'd done on that night we were on the mission. Nothing felt too different, which is something I guess I should be worrying about. I didn't want any negative emotions to effect today so I just shook it off.

When we arrive, Nya parks in this really deserted looking car park which is giving me sort of creepy vibes. Hopefully she's not gonna try and kill me or something. Although this would be a rather fitting place to do it.

She covers my eyes after locking the car and grabbing our stuff. She guides me to wherever we're going and to be honest, it's taking much longer than I thought. All I hear are birds - specifically seagulls - and cars driving very close by. Part of me thinks she's gonna push me into the road or something stupid but I'm pretty certain she won't do that.

After a few minutes of what feels like non-stop walking, she uncovers my eyes and smiles at me brightly. 

"The beach?!" I exclaim excitedly.


I've always loved the seaside. I remember one topic that came up on that mission night was that my parents took me here once and it was one of my favourite days ever. This is actually so sweet considering she probably remembered it and decided to take me here because of it.

It sort of makes me happy.

I grab her arm, not risking taking her hand just in case she flinches, and pull her through the large crowds of people. Once we find a good spot to set up on the warm beach, we lay out all our beach towels and sit down, enjoying the sand for a moment.

I don't think Nya was planning on playing around or whatever, just sitting and reading a book. She brought these bucket and spades which I'm assuming I'd play with or whatever, which I'm not gonna lie, kind of disturbs me. I don't know anyone my age, or any adult, that stills plays with these unironically or without a kid or something with them so I don't know what she was trying to do with these. I just kind of sit here beside her for a while doing nothing but playing with the sand in my hands as she reads.

This doesn't feel very much like a date but more of us just hanging out and chatting. Maybe I'm just overthinking it.

For it being the beach, it's not very busy, which is a good thing I suppose. Although if people do see us together and being flirty - not that we've ever been like that - then they'd question the whole Cole and I thing, which we still haven't addressed.

to all the people i've loved before | Ninjago BruiseWhere stories live. Discover now