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"Okay, so what are we thinking?" Cole asks me with a wide smile.


"Absolutely not," he shakes his head, "I'm not sitting through that monstrosity."

"If you're going to be my boyfriend then you have to watch the things I love," I smile cockily.

He leans closer to me and whispers, "Fake boyfriend. It doesn't count."

I roll my eyes jokingly, "Fine. What do you want to watch then?"

"Iron Man."

"No! That's worse!"

Cole laughs. 

Kai and Nya took us 'dating' strangely well. Although, I still think Nya is quite skeptical about us but she didn't necessarily seem upset by it, which just further proves my point that she hates me because of the letter. She does seem to have backed up about it though which is good. I just need to make her jealous now. That shouldn't be too hard, right?

Cole and I are trying to make this more believable. We agreed on going full out for this just in case Nya doesn't start believing it within the first few days. 

So what do couples do? They sleep over at each other's houses, right? Well we live in the same 'house' so we could just easily sleep in one another's rooms. So tonight, I'm staying in Cole's room. His bed was always better than mine anyway. 

We're snuggled up under the duvet, Cole's laptop on his lap, scrolling through Netflix. We've been struggling for 15 minutes on what film to watch. We've got pretty different movie tastes so it's hard to pick. 

"Why don't we watch something we both wouldn't usually watch?" Cole suggests.

I smile and nod. He's always full of the best ideas. 

He scrolls for a little while, pointing out random things that I disagree to. I may be up for watching something I don't tend to watch but I'm definitely not watching stupid horror. No way.

"How about this? This sounds cute," Cole points out, hovering his curser over something.

"Hearstopper?" I grin, "I've heard a lot of good things about that show."

"You have? Great, then let's watch it."

We quickly finish the first episode and I'm not gonna lie to you, I am completely OBSESSED. This is the cutest show I've ever watched and there's still 7 episodes left to go. Although I may be a little less into it since I kept falling asleep. Like more times than the amount of episodes there are. 

That's pretty embarrassing.


This show is actually kinda cute, I can't lie. I'm glad I listened to Jay when he said he heard good things about it. We just finished episode 2 and even though he's already fallen asleep, I can tell he's enjoying it. He was giggling at literally every cute Nick and Charlie scene.

Nick and Charlie being the main characters of course. 

I've just seen the scene where Nick realises he has a crush on Charlie and is questioning his sexuality. It's actually incredibly relatable. 

I could never tell anyone, not even Jay. Actually, if I did have to tell anyone, it would be Jay. 

I'm still not completely confident in my sexuality, and I don't really want to come out to anyone but I'm comfortable knowing that I can publicly 'date' a guy without being ashamed or worried, y'know? 

to all the people i've loved before | Ninjago BruiseWhere stories live. Discover now