19 - familiar

60 5 2

Is it weird that I'm actually excited for today? I woke up this morning with such a great spirit, and not feeling like a gremlin dragged through a hedge for once. There's just such a positive and uplifting vibe about today.

Cole and I ate breakfast together before I headed out for my first day of volunteering, which already put me in a good mood. I think he's really excited to work at the Noodle restaurant, which is understandable since he loves food way more than he loves me, but is choosing to hide it. I'm sure we'll text throughout the day.

The walk to the care home isn't long. There were many beautiful places on the way, such as the duck pond in the park, which I've somehow never seen before. It'd be such a cute place for a picnic date. There's cherry blossom trees and flower patches and I know for a fact Cole would love it. It's so relaxing. I even got to pet a few dogs.

Entering the care home, I receive a few strange looks from the residents. There aren't many people around near the entrance since the place is pretty big - the biggest elderly home in the city I think - so it's a struggle trying to find who I spoke with on the phone. Wandering around, I notice everyone doing different activities throughout the building. There's a small game of skittles in the main hall, bingo in the large conservatory, and, of course, the TV is on in the main living room showing some kind of 1970s movie. I eventually make my way outside to find multiple games of chess. There's stalls of food and drink laid out neatly with, I'm assuming, volunteers standing behind them. They're chatting amongst themselves so I decide not to interrupt.

Making my way over to the chess players, one of them stands up cheering.

"Haha! Take that you overgrown big toe!"

I chuckle to myself quietly. I knew exactly who it was just from the phrasing - he used to call my dad that all the time.

He turns around with a grin, quickly fading to a look of surprise as he spots me.

"Oh Jay!" he beams, "C'mon here! Give me a hug!"

I forgot how much I missed his annoying southern accent.

"Hi grandpa," I smile, hugging him tightly once he comes into reach.

This is so relieving. I haven't been able to see my Grandpa Lewis in years since, especially since I became a ninja. Time has always been against me and it's much harder seeing him since he moved out of his old place anyway. I know my parents come to visit sometimes but don't mention him very often. I'm so happy to see him again. We used to be so close when I was younger.

"How have you been?" he pulls away from the hug, grabbing my shoulders tightly, "you've grown so much."

"I've been good," I reply, "busy but good."

"What are you doing here? Don't you have some kind of ninja fighting business to do?"

"I'm volunteering," I beam.

"Volunteering at a place like this?" he questions, "it's not that I don't want you here but wouldn't you rather do something more fun? Like a food kitchen or something?"

"Grandpa, not everything is about food," I roll my eyes playfully.

He's always loved food. Mom brings him her home-made lasagna sometimes. I'm so glad my family is full of good cooks. Perhaps I should get them to give Cole some lessons.

"Well it's lovely to have you here," he hugs me again, "I'm assuming you're looking for Jovi."

"Yeah, have you seen her around?"

"She should be upstairs helping Nora get her lazy ass out of bed," he replies, "she should be here in a minute."

I giggle lightly, "Grandpa, you can't talk about people like that."

"Honesty is the best policy."

I chuckle again. Man, I've missed him. I can't believe I was starting to regret my decision yesterday, based on the rest of the team calling it a boring option, but now I'm so glad I chose it. It'll be much more fun than I thought. Besides, old people are lovely (perhaps besides my Grandpa).

to all the people i've loved before | Ninjago BruiseWhere stories live. Discover now