17 - world gone mad

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My lack of sleep last night led to 4 hours of endless scrolling on Twitter, observing what everyone was saying, and if I'm honest, it was the worst thing I could've done. A large majority of people make good points, or notice things I didn't even realise myself. It's gotten so bad that I'm actually tired of myself just thinking about it. I miss when things were simple, when there was nothing to worry about except my love letters getting out. I miss living peacefully, enjoying my time with my boyfriend.

Speaking of which, I wanted to call Cole so badly, ranting to him about this nonsense and only get a 'you're being dramatic' or 'everything will be okay' in response, but I couldn't.

As much as I wanted to go to sleep as soon as it turned 6, I had to drag myself out of the warm cocoon of my bedsheets and get ready for training. I didn't even bother getting out of my gi last night so at least I don't have to worry about getting changed.

I freshened myself up - brushing my hair and teeth, spraying myself generously with deodorant - and headed out to the locker room. I open my locker, yawning and rubbing my eyes, catching the ninja of fire and ice's attention. I'm not entirely sure what they're doing, most likely just chatting, so I leave them to it.

As I'm rummaging around in my locker, trying to remember what exactly I need from here, something comes into view from overhead; a hand reaches down, holding a small chocolate chip cookie. I stop, a smirk wiping across my face. Once the hand disappears, I swivel myself around.


"Good morning," my boyfriend grins, "thought I'd bring you a sweet treat."

"Thank you," I beam before snatching it out his hand, taking a bite right in his face.

"You're welcome. I worked really hard making them," he responds sarcastically, stepping to the left of me slightly and resting his hand on his locker handle.

I giggle, "that's funny because it tastes just like a Maryland cookie."

"Maybe I have their secret recipe," Cole shrugs, smirking, staring at his hands as they work to unscramble the code on the lock.

"You better make some more then," I say before finishing it off.

Cole laughs, eventually opening the locker. It's so weird how one minute I'll feel like complete and utter crap, and the next I'll be so happy. I guess Cole's presence makes a huge difference. I really am lucky to have him.

"Do you wanna talk?" he asks, glancing at me briefly, rummaging around through his numerous piles of books and unfinished drawings.

"I don't even know what to say," I shrug, "it's hard."

"Those huge bags under your eyes tell me you've been up all night thinking about it."

I smile awkwardly, "I was worried, I guess."

"Try not to worry too much, we'll get it sorted, okay?" he glances over again, a warm smile sitting comfortably on his lips.

I knew he'd cheer me up somehow. There's a way around this, there always is, but it doesn't stop me from stressing about it. At least his words are providing me with a little comfort right now.

"How exactly did it all start? Did someone start spreading rumours?" he asks.

"I think someone tweeted pictures of us at the restaurant the other night and someone else spoke up about seeing me and Nya at the beach," I explain, "I haven't seen the original tweets or anything but I'm pretty sure it all picked up and people starting arguing about it when a big gossip account tweeted about the rumours. I guess people are just confused if I'm with you or Nya or if we're lying.. I don't know."

"Right," he sighs, "I was unsure if something like this would happen. I guess we could just say you and Nya weren't together like that?"

"Nya would say something in response though, wouldn't she? She'd correct us or explain her side and then everyone would turn against you and me and I-"

"Jay," another warm smile appears on his face as his hand reaches over to my shoulder, "we'll just ignore it for now then. It'll calm down, okay?"

to all the people i've loved before | Ninjago BruiseWhere stories live. Discover now