Chapter 27: Fun Gang Vs. Dark Fun Gang

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(Y/n)'s POV.

After a short while, we finally reached the end of the maze. "Thank goodness you were here, (Y/n). Without you, we would have probably spent hours trying to find the right way." Ralsei praised me, making me smile. "I'm glad I can be of use." I chuckled.

I have no idea if Susie and Lancer made it out of the labyrinth but we all figured, they'd be fine, plus Susie would not accept our help anyway, so we went on ahead.

We came to a clearing, where a mashine stood in the middle of the path. "Uhm, guys?! Isn't that the machine we designed...?!" The small prince asked, staring at the mashine wide eyed. "Well... almost..." Kris mumbled. It seemed like Susie and Lancer threw a bit of their own creativity into the mix aswell. The knife head was wearing a black wig and it had a wide smile drawn on it with black marker.

Suddenly, Lancer and Susie came out of nowhere, big grins on their faces, like they knew they had won. "Ho ho ho! You think THAT'S bad, just WAIT and see what happens when it STARTS!!!" Susie pulled out a button and pressed it. Thinking that the mashine was going to turn on to start a battle, the three of us got ready but instead of moving, the mashine just straight up explodes on us. 'What the--!!'

Tiny metal pieces flew everywhere. Kris rushed in front me and Ralsei, pulling out his shield, protecting us from getting hit by anything. I kept Ralsei close to me, to make sure he didn't get hit either.

Once the pieces stopped flying, Kris lowered his shield, glaring at the two. He looked pretty pissed, undertandibly "Hey! What gives!?" I yelled. "Your design sucked so we blew it up." Susie explained like it was obvious. Ralsei seems like at a loss for words. "Uhh, I see..." He said with uncertainty, not sure what will come now. "... So... now what's your plan going to be?" He added.

Lancer began to chuckle excitedly, like he couldn't wait for something. Susie crossed her arms and gave a proud smirk. "Turns out we didn't need a plan. Just a rule."

"Anyone that gets in our way..." Lancer continued and Susie finished the sentence. "Gets crushed into dust." These two seemed to proud of themselves and to be honest, nothing surprised me anymore with them. Ralsei took a small step forward to get their attention. "But Susie, you need us to return home. Doesn't crushing us seem a little counterproductive?" He desperately tried to reason with her once again. But like usual, it didn't work.

"Nah, see, that's where you're wrong. Ya see, I KNOW I can't get back without you guys. But being a -heh- 'good guy' REALLY isn't my style. So, I thought of a little way we can just... settle this." Her smirk grew and I furrowed my brows in slight curiosity. "And what did you come up with?..." I carefully asked, not sure what to expect.

With a swift motion, Susie pulled her axe out and pointed it at us, clearly challenging us. "If you can beat me, I'll go back to being a good guy. But if you LOSE... YOU guys will have to become bad guys with US... and do WHATEVER we say." She fletched her teeth, feeling like she already won. Lancer hopped onto his bike. "Ho ho ho!!! Our wish is your command!!!"

"So, whaddya say...?" Susie asked, resting her axe in her shoulder, waiting for an answer.

Me, Ralsei and Kris all looked at each other, silently discussing this but we knew that this was our chance to get Susie back on the team. Kris glanced around. First at Lancer, then at Susie and then over to Ralsei. It seemed like a strategy come to his mind. "Let's do it... I have an idea..." Kris whispered. Ralsei and I nodded at him with determined faces, trusting his plan. I opened my mouth, ready to announce our answer when Susie interupted me. "Eh, don't bother answering. We were just going to thrash you anyway, so... See ya!" She laughed and I glared at her. "RUDE!!" I called over. "Thank you!" She called back mockingly.

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