Chapter 4: Welcome to the kingdom of darkness.

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Kris's POV.

I heard and felt a cold wind, brushing against my ear. I opened my eyes and sat up with much difficulty. 'Ugh... my back hurts and I have a headache... what happened?' I looked around, seeing that I was in some kind of cave. Immediately, I jumped to my feet in slight panic, rubbing my aching head afterwards. That's when I noticed... I looked completely different.

I was no longer wearing my normal sweater and pants. Now I was dressed in a silver armor over a blue bodysuit, and had a short, torn pink and blue cape around my shoulders. My skin was a skyblue and my once brown hair turn dark blue. To be honest, I looked like some kind of knight or worrier mom used to read to us about. Though, I had to say, it did look pretty cool.

I looked up at the ceiling, but there was nothing there. I couldn't even tell if there even was a ceiling but one thing was for sure, I couldn't go back the same way I came from. Then I remembered Susie. 'Susie... Where is she? She fell down with me right? I better go find her, maybe she has an idea what happened...' I started walking, the steps of my silver metal boots echoed throughout the... 'room?' I don't know. While I was walking, I had a million questions in my head. 'What is this place? How did I get here? Why do I look like a knight? Is anyone else here? And if there are, are they friendly?' Some kind of plants made such a wierd sounds when I walked passed, it sounded like some kind of laughter. There was some black goop coming out of the holes in the walls, not knowing what it was, I decided not to touch it. I could barely see anything, it's simply to dark.

After a while, I noticed something at a slightly higher path. It looked like a shadow but before I could make out what that something was, it moved away from my sight. 'So there are people down here! I hope they'll help me.' Very carefully, I slid down a wall, since there was no other way to go. There were some... things around. They looked like piles of dust or something similar like that. But they were too far away to inspect them further.

Then, around a corner, there was another hole in the wall but this time, there was something faintly glowing inside it. I carefully stuck my hand in and pulled that something out. It was some kind of a shard from a Cristal. It gave a weak glow. I didn't know what to do with it so I just stuffed it into my pocket and continued my journey.

Then there were those wierd laughing plants again but those where slightly different. They had a red glow around them and once I walked passed them, they shot some white balls at me. One of them slightly grazed me and a red heart came out of my chest. I looked at it in wonder. It happened a few times more but every time, it disappeared before I could get a closer look.

I walked further and there was what seemed like a deadend. The gap between the paths were too wide for me to jump across. Wondering how to get across, I spotted a sign. It said: 'In this land, only eyes blinded by darkness can see the way...'

'Huh, weird... I wonder what that means.' I looked to the right to see three eyes with a whole for every one underneath them. 'I bet it has something to do with this...' I touched the glowsharts that were in the wholes and when I touched it, two of the eyes went black. I tried a few more times until all three eyes were now dark. As soon as that happened, some glassplates appeared, filling the gap, so I could go on. And I did. 'Good that me and Asriel used to do a lot of puzzles when we were younger...'

A little later, I slid down another mudslide and when I reached the end of it, there were more of these big piles of dust, but this time, there were so close that I could interact with them. Curiosity got the better of me and I reached my hand out to touch it and it immediately fell apart. Inside, was a black fingerless glove. I picked it up, examining it. Compared to my hand, it was a little smaller, so I guessed it belonged either to someone younger than me or a girl, maybe both. After looking at the glove for a moment longer, I put in my pocket, making a note to return it to its owner if I find them.

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