Finding the Cup.

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*After breakfast, Davina stuck with Alec and Izzy, and waited till Jace and Clary needed help. It didn't take much time till Jace called Alec. The 3 Shadowhunters got to the police station.*

- Has somebody called for backup?

- Yeah, it took you guys a long time.

- Funny, I was about to say the same thing.

- It's complicated.

- We've found the Cup.

- The Cup? *Davina asks.*

- Yeah. But then we lost it. We have to snuck back in to get it.

- This is a disaster.

- Demon pox is a disaster. This is an inconvenience. We just need a plan, that's all.

- What about a glamour?

- We've tried that. Anyone working with Valentine would see right through it.

- Davina, can't you portal us through?

- No. *says Alec.*

- Sadly, I can't. Even though I've been here before, I can't portal us in the evidence room.

- Why?

- Hmmmm, maybe because I never had any business there, Clary.

*They split up. Alec, Davina and Izzy entered the police station and saw a lady there.*

- I'm guessing you are the distraction?

- Nope, I've decided to grow up. Remember? No more distracting for me.

- Then, Davina? *he looks at her with puppy eyes.*

- As much as I would love to, I'm not really her type. *she laughs.*

- Don't worry. It's good practice. *says Izzy.*

- Huh?

- You know, for asking out someone you like.

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