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*It was the next day, Alec sat on Izzy's bed looking at his sister. Davina came in the girl's room and looked at her. She was shuddering and sweating. It was all because of the withdrawal.*

- Hey.. how is my favorite person feeling? *says Davina.*

- I'm okay.. just need to sweat it out. How about you?

- Regular stuff, just not listening to Alec about my choice of clothes.

- Typic. *says Isabelle weakly, showing Davina a weak smile.*

- Izzy? *says Alec and turns her on her back, dabbing her forehead with a damp cloth.*

- Stop it! It burns! *Isabelle sits up and looks at the both of them.* No one else knows, right?

- No. Nobody.

- They all think you have the flu. *says Alec, then his phone chimes.*

- What is it?

- There was a demon attack. They need us, Davina.

- Alec, tell them I can't come. I have to take care of Isabelle. Go.

- No, Davina. Go. I will be fine.

- Izzy, no.

- I'm begging you.

- Fine.. After we check the place, I will come and stay with you. I promise.

*The brunette kisses Isabelle's forehead and heads out with her boyfriend. The two of them head to the Heslodge Bar, where Clary, Luke and Jace were waiting for them. Davina looked closely at the bodies, seeing sand on the floor.*

- What's this sand on the floor?

- This looks like a demon attack.

- I've never seen a demon cause this kind of hemorrhaging.

- I have. It's from Duduael.

- A dimension of hell. *says Alec.*

- The worst one. I'm wondering how did he get loose, he's been shackled for centuries.

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