The Mortal Mirror.

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*Davina, Dot and Alec where in the boy's office. Dot was studying the ley on lines on a tablet.*

- Any luck?

- I'm getting closer to narrowing down the location.

- You understand that once you retrieve the Mirror, it becomes property of the Clave?

- You think I want anything to do with this? The only thing I care about is stopping Valentine.

- No, I didn't mean to-

- I'm sorry, but I've lost whatever faith in the Clave I had left. So when I retrieve the Mirror, it becomes property of Clary Fairchild and Davina Bane. There're the only ones I trust, and they can do whatever they want with it.

- Fair enough. We've had too many security breaches recently, so I'm limiting your escort to Jace and Clary. You'll be safer that way.

- Thanks.

*Then Davina's phone rang. It was none other than Stiles Stilinsky. She went on Alec's balcony and answered the call.*

- Hi there.

- Davinaa. I thought you would never answer the call.

- Why wouldn't I?

- I don't know, maybe because of your boyfriend. When we met, he kind of scared me.

- *Davina laughs, then Alec glared at her.* No way. Why would you be scared of him? He's literally the sweetest person.

- Maybe to you. But the way he death glared at me when I hugged you, that didn't really scream sweet to me.

- Stiles? Who are you talking to? It was heard from the phone.

- I'm talking to Davina.

- Davina?! Give me the phone.

- Scott, no. Stop. Hey!

*Davina couldn't contain herself from laughing, Alec walking towards her.*

- Hey, Davina. It's been a long time. I missed you!

- Hey, Scott. Me too. I know, right? What have you been up to?

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