Chapter 5

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Sanzu's pov

Rindou was guiding me to the car, meanwhile Ran didn't even say anything to me yet... Is he mad? Whatever, I really want to just get my stuff and then sleep. Ran drove while I was in the passenger seat and Rindou was in the back. We drove to my apartment. I and the Haitani brothers got out of the car and went upstairs. I unlocked the door and muttered to the two alphas "You can look around if you two want I'm getting my stuff". And so I left the entrance to go to my room.

Ran's pov

I was looking around the room. Sanzu's apartment was much more cleaner than I had imagined it. I noticed a pill box on the kitchen counter. I looked at it, it was Prazosin, a drug that supposedly helps to sleep when you have lots of nightmares.  why does Sanzu have this, I looked over to Rin, and he was also looking at a pill box. This was SSRIs, why does Sanzu have so many drugs laying around? As I thought that Sanzu came running to the room and got the pillboxes and some more I didn't even notice, then he disappeared into his room again. It was concerning how many medications/drugs he has laying around.
After a while, Sanzu came out of his room with two bags. "Ok, we can go now" And so we left, we went back into my car, and I drove us to mine and Rindou's house.

Sanzu's pov

We arrived at the house. I got out of the and was amazed the house was big! We entered the house and Ran said "Come on, I'll show you the guest room." I followed him. We both entered the guestroom. It was nice.
"I'll leave you alone to unpack if you need anything I and Rindou will be in the living room."
I thanked Ran and when he left the room, I started unpacking my things. After a while, I only had my pills to hide.

I have alprazolam for my anxiety.

Prazosin for my nightmares/ flashbacks.


antidepressant for my depression.

(btw i'm not an expert with pills, so I just trust google with these things haha, so i'm really sorry if these pills aren't really for the things I wrote here)

I also have some more but I don't know for what they are.
Anyways I shoved the pills under the pillow on the bed and then left the room. To go to the Haitani brothers. Like Ran said they were in the living room watching TV. I sat down on one of the chairs. I looked at the TV and saw that some action movie was playing. I got the pillow out from behind my back and hugged it while I continued to watch the movie.

Rindou's pov

We were just watching some new marvel movie that just came out. When Sanzu came into the room and sat down on a chair. He also pulled the pillow behind him to his front and hugged it tight while he continued to watch the movie. By now I wasn't even paying attention to the movie I was too focused on the cute scene of Sanzu hugging that huge pillow. I wonder how it would feel if I would hug him from behind.
I slowly looked away from Sanzu and looked at what my brother was doing he was also staring at Sanzu. I looked back at Sanzu again and he directly looked at me. So, I quickly looked away and stared at the Tv- screen.


To be continued

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