Chapter 24

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this is the last chapter, but don't worry, again I have another story idea that I will publish soon ;)

I hope you all enjoyed this story! :D

I hope you all enjoyed this story! :D ------------------------------------------------

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Narrator's pov

Sanzu couldn't sleep, he's been thinking through the whole night about the two Haitanis. He was unsure if he should give them another chance.

He thought about the advantages and the disadvantage of getting back with them. The advantages where that Aiko would have dads while growing up and he won't be needing to leave her alone when he has work over the evening. But on the other side, they could trick him....Sanzu didn't know if he could trust them again. After all they threw him out...but now they understand why he did the things he did when he was younger...

Sanzu's pov

Maybe I should give them a chance...I mean isn't it like that everyone deserves a second chance...

Fine...I'll give them one chance but if they pull off something like 10 years ago then it's over. Now I just have to tell them that...

The next day

I dropped Aiko off at her school and went back home since I didn't have to work today.

Back at home, I cleaned the house until someone rang the bell. I walked to the front door and opened it. There stood Ran and Rindou. I sighed and let them in. I told them to sit down in my living room while I'll put the cleaning stuff away. After that I went into the living room where both alphas sat. They looked nervous...

There was an awkward atmosphere in the air. "so...did you think about it?" Ran asked. I nodded and said "I'm being honest, I'm doing this for Aiko's sake and that's why I will give you two a second chance but don't believe that I'll trust you both easily again..." I told them.

They both nodded happily and hugged me which shocked me a bit. After a while of them just hugging me, I looked at the clock and noticed that I should probably make my way to Aikos school. "Can you both please let go, I need to go and pick up from School"

The two Haitanis let go of me and I left the house with the two following me.
"Why exactly are you two following me?"
"We want to go with you". I sighed and just let the two to whatever they wanted.

I arrived with both Haitanis at the school. Aiko was just leaving the building when we arrived there.

"Mommy!" she yelled while hugging me. "Why are those two here? Are they annoying you? Should I kick them?"

"No, no sweetie, their going to be with us a lot more from now on" Aiko looked up to me confused. Then I explained to her that they helped me when I was pregnant with her and that I left them for a reason and now that they were back, I gave them a chance to try again. Aiko looked at the two and said "So, are they something like my dads?".

I nodded; her eyes sparkled but she still acted like she didn't care much. She got that from me.

Narrator's pov

The next few months, the two Haitanis became closer and closer to Haru and his daughter. Haru also opened up a bit and started to catch feelings again for the two alphas. Soon after he realised that they got officially back together as a couple.

Ran and Rindou were trying their best to be good lovers to Sanzu and good dads to Aiko, and they actually did that very good.

After another 4 years, Ran, Rindou and Sanzu got married. Aiko went to an art school and Sanzu opened up his own café with Ran and Rindou. The four lived together happily and when Aiko was old enough, she moved out and lived happily with her girlfriend.

(Really need to improve my writing when I want to end a story haha)


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