13) Dandelions

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The briefcase was full of money.

Russian currency.

The crispy notes of Rubel were pressed together with one another inside the leather briefcase.

Chandni did not get why Sabiq Malik was offering this high amount of money to the Bratva. Till now what she has got is that Bratva is the one who is here to purchase and Sabiq is the trader.

Then why was Sabiq giving him the money instead of taking it from him? What kind of deal was it?

She bit her lips and glanced at Sabiq with a frown. He was smirking at the Bratva who was drooling at the sight of money.

Капо, они такие настоящие!

Capo they look so real !

Exclaimed Bratva with shining eyes. He was about to touch the crispy red notes when Sabiq stopped him.

Подожди, Иван. Подожди, у меня есть для тебя сюрприз.

Wait Ivaan. Wait, I have a special surprise for you.

He said letting out a chuckle. Bratva frowned at his words but all his doubt disappeared when he saw Sabiq's men bringing more briefcases and settling them on the rectangular glass table.

One by one all the ten briefcases were clicked open and there inside laid thousands of Russian rubles.

Chandni's eyes were as wide as a soccer ball looking at the huge amount of money before her eyes. Never in her life has she seen this many notes all together. They were crispy and the smell of fresh new notes was more entrancing than anything.

"All this for you," Sabiq said to the man before him. His mouth saying little and his eyes hiding everything.

Taking out a bundle of notes from the briefcase Bratva examined the money with keen eyes. Touching it, feeling its texture between his fingers. He perceived every line, symbol, sign on the note.

"Они выглядят такими реальными. Если бы я не знал о вас, я бы подумал, что это настоящие деньги!" said Bratva, smelling the crispy notes.

They look so real.  If I didn't know about you I would have thought it was real money.

Chandni was very confused. She shook her head at the man looking and smelling the Russians notes as if he had seen them for the first time.

She looked at Sabiq and asked in a small whisper not intending for others to hear her,"Why are you giving him so much money? " she asked, obviously confused over this absurd deal.

Sabiq glanced at the woman sitting on his thighs. She was keenly looking at him with confusion mixed with slight anger.

He smirked at her curiosity. She wants to know everything, "I am not obliged to answer your every question." he said with a straight look making Chandni pursed her lips together.

"What kind of deal is it ? You are giving him money in exchange for nothing! It's stupidity," she glared at Ivaan who was shaking his head chuckling while dancing his gaze on the bundles of notes.

Sabiq was giving him the kids as well as the money!

She looked at Sabiq one more time and again found that glint of pride in his blue gray eyes.

What the hell is he planning? What's going around her? She was sitting there like a frightened and confused kid, unaware of everything.


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