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 Taymor Pov-London , United Kingdom3 days Later, Saturday 9:45 Am

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Taymor Pov-
London , United Kingdom
3 days Later, Saturday
9:45 Am


Over the past 3 days Taymor been getting phone calls from Miami Florida State County Jail, saying there was a warrant out for his arrest for Physical Assault and Assault with a deadly "weapon".

He knew where the charges came from but didn't say anything about them until Kentrell answered his phone today and found out.

Kentrell was kinda mad that Taymor ain't tell them about the warrant. "You know you have to turn yo self in right?" Kentrell said, looking at Taymor.

"I don't want to. I don't want my kids to see me behind a glass" Taymor sniffed, wiping his red puffy eyes from crying all morning.

"If you don't then it's gonna make it worse. We have more proof that it was self defense" Dayvon rubbed Taymor back trying to make him feel better.

Taymor sighed knowing that Dayvon and Kentrell was right so he knew that he had to turn his self in or it would be more charges then what it is now. "Ok" Taymor mumbled.

"Good now let's go eat yo last real meal" Dayvon joked, making Taymor punch him in his shoulder.

"It's not funny" Taymor smacked his lips, slapping Dayvon.

"Ight now, stop foe I put my dick in you" Dayvon said seriously, grabbing Taymor's arms.

"It's kids around here" Kentrell looked at Dayvon with disgust.

Dayvon smacked his lips, letting go of Taymor's arms before kissing him on his lip. "Moveee" Taymor groaned as Dayvon kissed him all over his lips and face.

"I love you so much... just don't drop the soap" Dayvon smiled, before running in the kitchen.

"You play to much" Taymor rolled his eyes, going to pick up Zehara from the play pin. "Look at yo chubby self" Taymor said in a baby tone.

"Momma's baby ain't you" Taymor kissed her cheek sitting her down, going to pick up Zacei.

"You my baby boy too I love you so much" Taymor kissed Zacei cheek as he smiled wildly showing off his small took.

Taymor sat Zacei down when he saw Dayvon bringing a halve of lemon to the playpen. "Nah I told you He can't have sour nor spicy foods and She can't have sweets til they learn how to eat they vegetables" Taymor shook his head, grabbing the lemon out of Dayvon hand.

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