Chapter 17: Leo gifts his hair. (3/3)

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"Oscar∼!!! Oscar, Oscar, Oscar∼!"

The one who entered the second dining hall, while screaming and shouting, was Oscar's best friend, Rolf Quantz.

"You're noisy, and I can hear you even if you don't shout."

"Of course I can shout, right!? ...Ah! That's not it!"

Rolf was so excited, that his hands couldn't stay in place and his whole body was shaking.

"It's a miracle! My mother–"

Oscar was looking at his best friend with a small smile plastered on his face.

"–She finally woke up!"

By the tone on his voice and the look in his eyes, Oscar noticed that Rolf was holding back his tears.

Oscar then grabbed one of Rolf's shoulders with his right hand and said–

"–I'm glad that she's alright."


Some time later, after Rolf finally managed to calm down.

"When you told me that Leonora-chan... you know... I thought you were joking, but her hair had a incredible amount of magic power."

"Me too, I was really surprised when she gave me her hair. Though because of that, Camilla was able to recover."

"And Camilla... is she okay?"

"She's fine, more energetic than ever... my father even ordered her a new dress."

"I see, it's good to hear that."

On the day that he received Leonora's hairs, Oscar went to the church to ask for Harlet's help in order to cure Camilla's illness. Rolf's mother was also diagnosed with the same illness, the Spirit's Curse. The victim's blood flow becomes gradually stagnant, making them die a slow and painful death.

And maybe because no one could find a cure for this illness, many doctors gave up on finding a cure just because of the rumor surrounding it: "The person who contracts this illness is destined to die, the spirits cursed that person."

But in the first place, the Bernsteins had never believed in gods or superstitions, so Oscars's father used his assets to research a cure for the Spirit's Curse.

And the results of the research were...... rather astonishing.

Only the "Old Blood" had the power to cure this illness, which all High Nobles and Royalty possessed. But the Bernsteins had not only found the cure for the Spirit's Curse, it was a Cure for all Diseases... even the diseases that didn't have a definitive cure, could now be cured by using the magic power of the Royal family, or High Nobles as a catalysts.

After enrolling into the academy as a student, Oscar then contacted Albert and told him the researches his family was conducting, the situation of his sister and the cure that they had found. However, the rumored Benevolent prince refused to help.

Oscar begged, offered gold... but nothing changed, the answer was still a NO.

The theory behind the cure was easy to understand and Oscar had explained it so well, that even someone mentally crippled could understand. The catalyst needed to be a part of their body.

It was possible to understand the Royal family's side of the story, they didn't want to bleed themselves for Just that.

But to Oscar, the condescending words that Prince Albert said at that time–

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