Chapter 42: Leo is Richard's new rising star. (2/3)

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"Thanks, you're a huge help, Leo-chan." – Said Chris, the owner of the food cart that was filled with bread.

She worked as a full-time baker and her products (bread) were of high quality... but she didn't know how to sell them, so Leo decided to give her a hand–

"No, no, I should, be the one, saying that, Chris."

–And right now, they were re-decorating the food cart.

Because of the recent inflation, most people were refraining from buying certain products... and bread was one of them, unfortunately.

If the one selling the bread wasn't as experienced as the others, who were selling the same product, or if they weren't as well-known throughout the city, like some of the most popular bakers, no one would buy their products.

But, although Chris was an experienced baker, she wasn't as well-known as the others, so she wasn't selling that well.

At first, Leo just approached Chris because he wanted to buy some bread for Kai, who was still a bit hungover. But the quality of her bread surprised him.

He couldn't miss that opportunity, so Leo offered to help Chris sell her products... under the condition that she had to hand him one third of all the money they would make during the festival, which she accepted. (Tl/n: One third!? Leo, you monster!!!)

(Thank you, golden spirit of coins! And thank you, Kar-sama! With this, I'll make a lot of money!) – Thought Leo, as he offered a prayer to his deities.

His plan was perfect. Leena and her team wouldn't be selling the same thing, so Leo could go all out and make a lot of money.

(Yosh, the cart is ready! I just hope the wheels won't fall off... w-well, I fixed them, so I think they'll hold out till the end of the festival... probably...)

In exchange for some of Chris's bread, the old lady of the flower shop gave Leo some flowers and the uncle of the clothing shop gave him some colored cloths, which they used to decorate the food cart.

They then made a signboard with the words Special Bread written on it and decorated it with the remaining flowers, before nailing it to the cart.

The final product of their hard work was a pink and green food cart, decorated with white and yellow flowers.

"Waaa∼, I never though this old thing could become so pretty∼!"

"We're, in the middle, of a festival, after all. No one, will buy, our products, if we don't, drawn a lot, of attention. Besides, your bread is, really fluffy, Chris, so it matches, with the, approachable atmosphere, emitted by, the cart." – Said Leo, with a smug look on his face.

"\\\T-thanks for the compliment...... but—\\\"

Chris wasn't young, but she wasn't old either. She emitted an "Onee-san" aura that captivated everyone, even though she was on her late thirties—

"—My bread is just bread. You're the awesome one, Leo-chan... you made that old cart look like it's new, in just a few hours."

—However, that wasn't enough for Kai to allow Chris to be so over familiar with his master. But since "Leonora" was walking around the market in a disguise, and she said her name was Leo when she introduced herself to Chris, Kai would leave that matter for another time.

On the other hand though, when Chris saw Leo's fair features, she knew that that kid was a noble lady in disguise, so she did her best to play along and be as casual as possible.

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