Chapter 79: Leo is happy.

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Khaje Talmuel looked out of a simple window to confirm the time. After grasping the position of the sun, he then looked back to his little sister, Surya, and said–

"–It's time."

After hearing that, Surya, who was almost dozing off on a nearby chair, quickly stood up.

"W-where is she!? Is she already here!?" – Said Surya, while tidying up her clothes.

However, after having a look around the room, she let out a relieved sigh.

"Thank goodness∼, I thought she was already here, but it seems like I got worried over nothing, huh?"

As one of the ladies-in-waiting for the upcoming contract festival, Surya had to wear a pure white robe in order to not outshine the shrine maiden that she was going to serve. But even that wasn't enough to hide her beauty. Surya's light brown skin and delicate features, coupled with her beautiful wavy black hair and almond colored eyes, created a perfect combination.

However, Surya wasn't just a pretty face. She was kind and friendly to everyone, regardless of their social status, so the people of Legrand* loved her. (*Tl/n: That's the name of the capital.)

"Hehe∼, I can't wait to see Leonora's–I mean, my shrine maiden's reaction when she sees the state of this room. Maybe she'll get angry and make a fuss about all this? No, maybe she'll just start crying like a baby! Hahaha! That's more likely to happen, don't you think so?" – Said Surya, as she looked back at her brother with a cheeky grin plastered on her face.

Like Surya, Khaje also had light brown skin, black hair and nice features, but due to the serious air that was always surrounding him, and his sharp-looking, grayish eyes, he appeared to be much older than her, even though he was actually on his early twenties.

"We're not here to play with her, Surya. Our job is to make her cry, that's why we're here."

"...*Pout*...You're no fun, you know that?"

After making that carefree remark, Surya had another look around the room.

"A damp and dark room, with close to no natural lighting, very dirty and infested with bugs... I think we did a pretty good job while redecorating this place. I mean, even the people living in the slums are better off than this, so I don't think the higher-ups will complain about anything."

"Hmph! All nobles are the same, no matter the country. They're using the sacred grounds of the church for the sake of their political games, and to punish one of the shrine maidens nonetheless. Those people have no shame."

"Nobles sure are a scary bunch, huh...?"

There was a brief moment of silence while the two contemplated how dangerous nobles could be at times, but since Surya wasn't a fan of the gloomy mood that was tormenting them, she quickly changed the topic.

"Hey, Khaje, do you ever feel bad for doing this to that girl...?"

"What are you talking about? Of course not. That Leonora is also a noble, so why should I feel bad for her? I'm sure she has done worse to the people of her country. She doesn't deserve my sympathy."

"I have to agree with you on that. There's no point in feeling sympathy for a noble–"

Much like Khaje, Surya also hated nobles. It was to the point where she wouldn't mind screwing one of them over just for the sake of doing so. However, this time, they both had a reason for doing that.

"–Not to mention that we're going to receive three silver coins just to make her life a little bit harder. In other words, that's easy money!"

"Indeed. For us who had to live off of scraps our whole life, this sure is a blessing."

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