Chapter 85: Leo undergoes an exciting trial (1/2)

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The shrine maidens gathered from various countries, assembling in the grand cathedral to perform the ritual of praise, celebrating both the spirits of light and the land of Eland—the Ceremony of Praise began at dusk on the second day of the Contract Festival.

Once used as the royal palace of Eland, the magnificent cathedral housed maidens from various nations, adorned in vibrant laurels, standing side by side. The sight of women draped in colorful fabrics, arranged in geometric patterns within the circular cathedral adorned with intricate tiles, was a spectacle in itself, almost artistic.

Some meticulously combed their hair with oil and carefully tied it up, while others adorned the corners of their eyes with crushed mineral pigments. Perhaps due to the consciousness of representing their respective countries, their attire was uniformly beautiful. (At least on the surface.)

Seated in a raised position in the cathedral as the representative of the hosting country, Safita looked down at the maidens with an expressionless face, pondering such thoughts. Adhering to the rules, excessive ornamental decorations seemed to be avoided, yet the fragrance emanating from the perfumes worn by the maidens made the supposedly sacred cathedral suffocatingly fragrant.

The thickly applied white makeup was a manifestation of vanity. Intended as a display of their homeland's appeal, the feather and fur ornaments worn by some maidens were a source of impurity. (Above all, the expressions of the attendants standing behind the maidens.)

Safita glanced briefly at the officials clad in beige robes standing behind the maidens, wearing a cold expression. According to the rules of the Contract Festival, maidens were not allowed to bring attendants from their homeland. It was supposed to be a trial to live independently, but for princesses accustomed to being pampered by many, such a lifestyle was simply unacceptable.

It seemed that the princesses, accustomed to being served by attendants, failed to realize the potential for establishing a closer relationship with the Eland people, which would make it easier to receive blessings from the spirits.

Of course, there was no obligation to point it out from our side. Seven years is a long time. Even if the previous generation of maidens regretted and passed on their thoughts, to transmit and train the next generation, both will and memory would fade over such a period.

That's why, every time, Eland would be confronted with these women who indulged in vanity and arrogance, as if watching a poorly performed entertainment show.

(In this Contract Festival, just how many of them will the spirits smile upon?)

Blessings were promised in the form of a smile from the spirits. Only the maiden who performed a stunning hymn that touched the hearts would be graced with a smile from the luminous spirits.

And on the morning of the final day of the Contract Festival, the luminous spirits would bestow pure light blessings upon the maiden's homeland.

It was likely due to the waning faith in the spirits that the number of countries receiving blessings had gradually decreased over the past century. In the past, if a country failed to receive blessings, an envoy from that country would come and prostrate before the Eland king for months, begging for the mercy of the spirits. However, such scenes have diminished recently.

After the previous Contract Festival, where a nation was destroyed, it was unlikely to witness such scenes again in the future. In the maidens' gazes, along with the desire for blessings, there were also emotions of contempt and scorn towards the fallen nation.

While concealing the indescribable frustration and irritation behind his shrewd demeanor, Safita observed the maidens. Suddenly, she narrowed her gray-blue eyes.

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