Chapter 24: Leo reveals the truth. (2/2)

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"Talk about what...?"

Kai was taken aback by his master's sudden serious face.

"I wanted, to tell you, about my past...."

"...Before Leonora-sama came to the academy...?"

"...Un, that's right...."

Kai was holding his breath, since he had never seen that kind of serious expression his master was making right now.

Finally, Leonora was trying to tell someone about what happened in the past, by her own volition.

Kai was feeling a warm sensation in his chest.

He was the first person, that she was ever going to tell this to... and yet....

(Why I'm feeling happy about this...)

And, unable to to keep his emotions in check, Kai grabbed Leo's hands.


"Oh, umm, yes...."

"I consider myself your friend! You can tell anything to me!"

Apparently, Kai was grabbing Leo's hands a bit too tightly, so Leo tried to loosen his grip a bit, but Kai noticed it and released his hands.

"Ah! U-umm, uh, s-sorry!"

"It's, alright...."

Although his master said so, she is supposed to be scared of men.

"Leonora-sama, please, don't think of me as a man, I'm nothing but your servant."

'Don't think of me as a man....' – At this moment, Kai felt heart broken by his own words.

It's wrong for Kai to see his own master "That" way, so he was trying to suppress it by any means necessary............ even by hurting himself while doing it.

But those words only worked as a deception. Leonora's amethyst eyes probably had already seen the truth about Kai's feelings a long time ago.

"You... probably can't believe me, but my loyalty will always be yours, Leonora-sama."


"And believe me when I say this... those were only the remnants of my first love." (Tl/n: He's talking about holding her hands earlier)

Kai tried to avoid talking about it, but if he wanted to build a strong relationship with Leonora... his master... he at least needed to tell her the truth.

"First, love...?"

"Yes... and I'm afraid to say, but... you were my first love, Leonora-sama. I was totally fascinated by your kindness and altruism."

Leo was in shock, he didn't know what to say.

"A person's "First Love" is something that will, in time, fade away. And I'm no different. Someday, my own first love will fade away too and only my loyalty will remain."

"Are you, sur–"

"–I am."

'Are you, sure, about that...?' – The answer came so fast, that Leo couldn't even finish his sentence.

(This is bad...)

Leo couldn't believe, that one of his little brothers had fallen victim of Leena's beauty.

(But... when?)

That's what Leo wanted to know.

But he at least had an answer.

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