Chapter 89: Leo is kidnapped

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 As the princes began their hasty journey toward Eland, Leo, who had left Safita in the prayer chamber, was racing down the cathedral corridors at full speed.

"Hah... Hah...!" Leo gasped, glancing back occasionally as he ran.

He was fleeing from none other than Gustav, who had been waiting in ambush near the prayer chamber.

"Wait, Hakenberg! What happened? Tell me in detail!" Gustav shouted, his concern evident.

"That's disrespectful, knight! You should know men are forbidden beyond the cloister!"

It seemed Gustav had been quite worried when Leo was whisked away to the prayer chamber by Safita. As soon as Leo exited the chamber, Gustav accosted him, demanding answers.

"Is everything alright? What did she say? What happened?" Gustav asked rapidly. Leo almost let slip something about "not seeing the light spirit" or "Tama," but quickly covered his mouth.

Maybe the scent of confession lingered on his body, making it difficult for him to control his thoughts from spilling out of his mouth. However, it wasn't right to go around talking about someone's private matters so casually.

In Leo's mind, their earlier conversation could be summarized as "I accidentally questioned the light spirit and triggered Safita's complex about his condition, resulting in a lengthy discussion about Tama."

"I'm sorry if I worried you, but I can't talk about it right now," Leo managed to say.

"Why not? You always try to handle everything on your own! You said you would trust me more!" Gustav exclaimed with genuine concern.

For a moment, Leo considered confiding in Gustav. Perhaps Gustav, being a wise candidate, could understand Safita's feelings. However, Leo hesitated.

"Wait a second... Gustav has no experience in this area, and Safita's situation is the opposite. They're on opposite ends of the spectrum," Leo realized, clenching his fists and shaking his head.

"I thought I could tell you, but I can't!" Leo declared.

"Why not?"

"Because you're a wise candidate!"

Gustav's eyes widened in surprise, and Leo quickly looked away, hoping Gustav would drop the conversation.

"Please, just let me go for now. I might be able to talk about it later, but not now. Please, let me go!" Leo pleaded and turned away.

If Leo stayed and continued the conversation, he might inadvertently reveal Safita's struggles. If Leo were in Safita's shoes, he wouldn't want someone discussing his private matters so freely.

So, Leo ran, fulfilling his duty to Safita and fleeing out of sympathy for him.

"I lost him!" Leo said, relieved.

Taking advantage of the guards holding Gustav back, Leo darted through the corridors and into the private chamber assigned to him.

He shut the door behind him and took a moment to catch his breath. Then he realized Khaje and the others were nowhere to be seen.

"Hmm?" Leo wondered.

The sun had set, and it was time for the evening meal, but the women were absent. Usually, they would be quietly in the room, but they seemed to be out.

The only other living being in the room was a snow songbird in a cage.

Leo assumed they were using the restroom and casually dismissed their absence. He stepped into the room, relieved.

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