Chapter 46: The mysterious man in black. (1/2)

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"What? This place is already closed?"

Upon hearing that displeased voice, Leo stood up from the doorstep of Chris's house and addressed the man–

"I'm sorry, dear customer, but we, are already, sold out." – Said Leo, with an apologetic look on his face.

–But that was a mistake.

The man had a scar on one of his eyes and he was wearing expensive clothes. He also had a sinister tattoo peeking through one of the rolled up sleeves of his shirt.

Without a shred of doubt, Leo knew that guy. After all, those were the features of someone well known throughout Richard.

(Wait a-! T-this guy is the leader of Richard's second biggest criminal organization, isn't he!? Why is he here, of all places!?)

There were various "organizations" trying to gain control of Richard, after all, it was a city of merchants. And one of those organizations, in specific, were the Sonnebecks.

With Onito as their leader, they became notorious for their brutal ways of extorting money from innocent people. So keeping track of them became essential for a new business to flourish in the city.

(S**t! They're probably here to collect some of our money! I knew it was a bit risky to sell that much bread, but I never thought they would come this fast!)

When Chris noticed who were those guys that showed up on her doorstep, she and Kai stood up in a hurry to shield Leonora. The two tried to convince Onito that they were just a small bakery and that they were already closed, but the other party wouldn't have a no for an answer.

"Shut up! My business is with that black-haired girl over there! You outsiders should just stay quiet!" – Shouted Onito, in an angry tone, as he stared coldly at the two.

Because of all the commotion, the nearby people and the stand owners couldn't help but stare at Leo's group. They wanted to help the little girl, but that meant they would have to fight against the Sonnebecks. And that, unfortunately, was something none of them had the courage to do. After all, they were all trembling in fear. Even Kai and Chris were trembling in fear–

(Haaah∼, those fu**ers have no shame... they're even scaring the nearby people. Well, I feel a bit sorry for them, so I'll see what I can do.)

–But contrary to those two, Leo was raised in Richard, which meant that he wasn't afraid of thugs.

"So? What kind, of business, do you have, with me?" – Said Leo, in a serious, but uninterested, tone.

However, his defiant attitude made a creepy smile surface on Onito's face.

"I heard from Hughes that this bakery made a lot of money today... and I want a share of that money." – Said Onito, with an evil smile, as he pointed to one of the guys behind him.

But the person in question was all beaten up. Leo couldn't even recognize his face.

"Hey, Brian, bring that guy to the front!"

"Yes, boss!"

Brian, one of Onito's henchmen, dragged Hughes to the front and kicked him on the back, which made some of the people watching that scene to scream in fright.

Hughes was clearly dressed in civilian clothes. There was no doubt he was one of Leo's customers. Onito probably interrogated him to know more about Chris's bakery.

(Tsk! I see... so that's what happened, huh...?)

Although mugging people for money wasn't as effective during the day because of all the guards patrolling the streets, the Sonnebecks didn't care. They conducted their criminal activities in broad daylight, whenever they wanted and without any consequences.

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