Chapter 27: Leo meets a wild Head Priest.

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When Leo finally arrived at the church... the place was completely desolated, as he expected.

The colored glass from the windows stayed the same, but the decorations were all gone... even the paintings.

(I thought the people stopped coming here because of what Harlet did... but when did this place became so gloomy? ...Ahh! Even the golden decorations were removed!)

It was the first time, since the incident with Harlet, that Leo stepped into the basilica.

Leo felt sorry for the golden decorations...... because of him they were now gone.


And the place was so desolated, that no one even bothered to answer Leo.

"Maybe the new Head Priest hasn't arrived yet?"

"You're right... but there's a chance that he just didn't hear us."

Bianca and Natalia were puzzled, the new Head Priest should be here by now.

But Leo, who kept going further inside–


–Found a man......... sleeping behind of the altar.

Not only that, he was sleeping on a piece of spirit cloth, one of the most sacrilegious things a believer could ever do.

The man's face was being supported by his arm and he was drooling.

"...This man is...?"

"H-he's certainly a bit weird, but...."

Natalia approached the man, to get a better view of his face.

"...As I thought... this is Gustav, the new Head Priest."

"This man...?" Said Bianca, pointing towards Gustav.

But the man reacted to their voices–


He opened his eyes and glanced around for a while...... before getting up and doing a JoJo pose.

Gustav was on his early thirties.

His skin was slightly tanned and his hair was a mix of gold and brown.

He had blue eyes and his muscles were big enough to almost burst the white robe that he was wearing.

(Albert and Oscar-senpai have big muscles... but this guy is a meat wall!!!)

That was Leo's first impression of Gustav.

But even though he's a meat wall...... to be this handsome is cheating!!!

(The ratio of handsome men, in this academy, is too god damn high!!!)

And as Leo immersed himself in his hateful thoughts, Bianca stepped forward.

"Y-you're... Gustav Schneider, right...?" – Said Bianca, a bit excited.

Apparently, Bianca knew the name of this strange priest.

"That's right, I'm Gustav Schneider."

Bianca's cheeks then flushed and she started to tremble.

"I-I-I'm a big fan!!! Y-you're the living legend that killed more that a thousand enemy soldiers in the previous Eland holy war, The H-holy Sword of the Empire, The Holy Knight Gustav Schneider!"


But Leo, who wasn't fully paying attention to the conversation until now–

(Sexual Sword!? He cut a thousand people!? Sex Knight!?) (Tl/n: Basically, Bianca said Seiken (聖剣) = Holy Sword, and Leo heard Seieki Ken (精液剣) = Semen/Sexual Sword)

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