Chapter 54: Leo is shining in the forest. (2/3)

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Well, the thing is, I had to enumerate (1, 2, 3 and 4) some characters in this chapter because they didn't have names. It was a bit confusing for me, so I hope it'll be a bit easier for you guys to understand.

(OwO) – Anyway, enjoy the chapter∼♥



Gustav was impatient.

(–So that wasn't the right place either...! At this rate, I won't be able to find her... no, I can't give up... there's a big lake to the east, so she's probably there...!)

He was coming back from one of the deepest parts of the forest. That place was so densely packed with all sorts of trees and plants, that Gustav had no other choice but to constantly avoid them, in order to push forward... which was a bit tiring. So, when he arrived at the edge of the forest, he decided to take a break.

Gustav only managed to sneak out of the camp, because the students were too focused on Bianca and Leonora to notice him. It was at times like these, that he wanted to thank the two of them for being as popular as they were.

Gustav's main contracted spirit was a normal fire spirit... but they didn't have a normal contract. Usually, one wouldn't be able to contract multiple spirits, however, since their contract was just a contract of friendship, Gustav was free to use multiple spirits... and use them he did.

Most of the time, he asked them to do reconnaissance for him, but this time, they weren't answering his calls, so he ended up having to search for the Lady of the Lake on his own.

Well, there were two main reasons for why that happened though. For one, the spirits living in the forest thought of Gustav as a "Traitor who didn't help Christine when she most needed him," so they didn't help him either. And the second, because Gustav's mind was a mess right now.


"Dammit......." – Whispered Gustav, as he sunk his fist into the trunk of a nearby tree.

He was trying to forget the bad things he said to that innocent girl with purple eyes... but he couldn't. Leonora wasn't an evil and calculative woman. She was just an undoubtedly good person that didn't mind sacrificing herself for the good of others... and that fact haunted Gustav.

The numbness of the poison faded... but not his guilt. The things that Natalia told Gustav were still lingering in his mind.

(Khh! Why didn't I notice it sooner...!)

Thin body.

Easily frightened.

Broken language.

There were more than enough hints. However, Gustav was so hellbent in avenging his sister, that he didn't even notice them. And that led him into almost committing one of the most unforgivable sins as a knight... he almost oppressed the weak.

Moreover, Gustav couldn't even apologize to Leonora. Whenever he tried to get close to her, Bianca would glare at him, so he ended up feeling even more guilty.

(And to make things worse, she postponed our talk about that woman named Chris, because she didn't have enough time–)

Yesterday, when Gustav questioned her, Leonora told him that an ex-priestess named Chris had told her the real name of the Lady of the Lake. However, only a handful of people knew the real name of the Great Spirit of Water, so deep inside, Gustav had a feeling that that woman named Chris was actually his sister.

(–No, I'm sure she just said that because she was afraid that I'd lose focus on my mission, if she told me what I wanted to hear. That's why she promised me we'd meet each-other as soon as possible...)

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