Chapter 34: Leo receives a scolding.

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After entering the orphanage, Hannah pulled Leonora (Leo) by the arm and said that the two of them had to talk for a bit in private. However, Kai was still a bit suspicious of Hannah, so he continued following the two. But Hannah noticed that Kai was still following them, so she turned around, glared at him, and said–

"–We're going to change clothes right now, so be a good boy and wait for us here."

Kai wanted to chase after them, but his body wouldn't move, and he couldn't stop shivering... so he obediently waited for them to return. After all, Hannah was scarier than he thought.


After entering a small room, located in the back of the orphanage, Hannah told Leo to sit in Seiza on the ground and began scolding him...... in Elandic.

The room was simple, but clean, like the rest of the orphanage. There was a small bed located on one of the room's corners, and small round table by it's side, with a cup and a bottle of wine resting on top of it. And on the other side of the room, there was a desk, with sewing utensils on top of it, and by it's side there was a small bookshelf, filled with old books.

This is Hannah's room, or more precisely, "The Preaching Room," a place were every orphan entered at least once in their lives...... or in Leo's case, every time he messed up.

"What do you think my orphanage is!? A warehouse!? You can't just keep dumping your personal belongings here! And don't forget to reply my letters, I was worried!"

"Uuuuuh∼, I'm really sorry...."

"Really!? You're sorry!? Then don't forget to reply my letters! And if you can't send a normal letter, then just send an encrypted one!"

"B-but I wrote several letters... I even asked Kai to send them for me...."

"Several letters!? Two or three letters per month isn't enough! It wasn't just me that was worried about you, Bruno even tried to sneak out of the orphanage with SEVERAL knives, saying that he needed to go save you!"

"Huh!? S-save me from what!?"

"From a prince that wanted to kill you! But that's not the point! I won't let you return to the orphanage if you don't convince Leena to stay with her grandparents!"

"A-and how am I supposed to convince her!?" – Said Leo, while pouting.

When Leo signed the contract, he asked Leena to explain everything to Hannah and her parents, since their daughter was lending her body to a complete stranger. But if Leo managed to escape from the academy, the two would return to their original bodies, and then go their separate ways from there, after all, they weren't friends... just business partners.

And because of that, Leo thought that even if his identity was exposed, he would be able to run away and hide in the orphanage... but now, his hopes were crushed by Hannah.

"I don't know how you're going to convince her! But think what would happen to her grandparents if their precious granddaughter went missing! They would be sad right!?"

Not only her grandparents, but Albert, Oscar, Bianca, Natalia, and even Kai, they would probably miss "Leonora," too.

(Uuuuuh, I forgot about them... Hannah is right, they'll be sad if I simply disappear...)

Seeing that Leo was finally reflecting on what he almost did, Hannah sighed, sat on her bed, crossed her arms and said–

"–Even if Leena is okay with it, I won't let you hurt her grandparents. From what I know, they've been searching for their daughter for years, and now they've finally found their granddaughter, so it'd destroy their hearts if you simply disappeared like that."

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