112. Daddy's Girl

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Tess found herself blushing as she realised that this was her first kiss from the guy she really liked. All the time they'd been in some undefinable relationship that might or might not have been dating, but now this was their first kiss. And somehow that seemed even more of a milestone than inviting him round to act as her daddy while she played the role of a younger child for him. The wave of heat rushed up to her face and she would have been speechless for a second; frozen in place by emotions she didn't even know how to respond to. But then her embarrassment doubled as she realised that her whole body had frozen for that first, breathless instant. She had relaxed, or tensed, or something like that. As soon as Spike's lips touched her brow, innocent and paternal, the rush of warmth to her face had been matched by a feeling of warmth elsewhere, which she really wished she could have avoided.

Overwhelmed by emotions for a second, Tess had wet herself.

She rested one hand on her thigh for a second, in case she was mistaken about what she was feeling. But there was no doubt there; her jeans were soaked. A second passed before she recovered her composure enough to think about what she should be doing now. She clamped down and stopped the flow, but if she could feel it so easily she knew there was no doubt that Spike would be able to see. As soon as his face moved away from hers, she would be completely humiliated.

Her mind was racing, searching for any excuse she could give so that she wouldn't have to tell him about her bedwetting problem. Even if she was playing along with his desire to be daddy, which some people might think was strange, she couldn't face admitting that particular secret to him. And then her brain, casting around feverishly, grabbed at something she had said a few minutes before. That if it helped to relax her, she could make herself a little younger than she really wanted to. Turn it up to eleven as a joke, and they would both know that it was just a moment of silliness. Something never to be repeated. She'd thought he might have meant becoming six instead of eight, so that she could settle into her actual age for the afternoon more easily. But if she really decided to go too far, if she could pass it off as a joke, she might find that marginally less humiliating. They could laugh about how regressing to a baby would be a completely different game, she would change her clothes, and then they could start over.

"I'm one year old," she said, trying to make herself laugh as the words came out. "I'm getting younger, I'm going to feel whatever you say, and I'm one year old." She thought immediately that she should have said two; but she didn't know much about the development of children that young, or when a baby became a toddler. Still, she could be sure that he would take such a low number as proof that she hadn't intended it to have such an effect on her.

"Aww, such a little baby," Spike smiled, and kissed her again. She managed to keep control of her bladder this time, but she was already starting to feel a little giggly from the posthypnotic suggestions. If Spike told her how to act as a child, she knew that it would be easy to sink into the role. She was so vulnerable now; he could do whatever he wanted to her, just like Gabby had feared. But Tess found that only made her feel safer; because she could trust Spike to always put her needs first. He was Daddy now, and he would make sure that nothing bad happened to her until she could grow up again and do this properly.

"I uhh..." she mumbled. When he was looking her in the eyes like that, she knew that she wanted him to look after her. Was that what 'love' meant? She didn't know the words, but she knew what she felt. And she wanted Spike to be there for her forever. She just had to get changed, and then she could try being his little one like they had originally planned. But now, she was struggling to find the right words to let him know what had happened. Even with an excuse, it was a hard thing to say. "I was being a bit silly, I might be a bit younger than I meant to."

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