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Please ignore all the mistakes!!!


A week gone by like a blink of an eye. 


They got nothing about Jung Hoseok. It has been a week and it is starting to make Taehyung lose hope. They just received the news that Jung Hoseok has moved, and it will take another few weeks before they know where he is. 

Now, the weather has started to change. 

Every morning was boring and dull. It started to look dry even after a night's rain. The world was losing its color, and Taehyung just had the urge to change it by coloring it a little more. 

It was a sign that winter is coming. Even the leaves started to change their color. Taehyung was not really a big fan of the cold, but when it comes to snow, he loves it. He could not count how many paintings he had of the cold winter. 

A knock on the door before it was opened. Taehyung sighed. He could tell who it was just by the way the door was opened. 

"You're home early, professor," he said without even looking back even once. 

Jungkook closed the door after he walked in. "I was just worried in case something happened at home." 

"Hmm, I wonder what would happen."  

Jungkook pulled a stool to sit next to the human. "Our house also has a painting room, why don't you use that room?" 

"It gets lonely." 

Jungkook almost cooed, but he didn't want to make a fool out of himself, so he stayed quiet after only clearing his throat. "Do you want me to teach online instead-"

"No, please don't." Taehyung glared at him, which got a laugh from the professor. "I have a favor to ask, Professor." 

Jungkook hummed. "What is it?" 

"Can you not say our home or our house? It's weird." 

The smile faded from Jungkook's face. Taehyung does have a point. They did not marry by law. No one outside the pack knows that they are married. When he thinks about it, it saddens him, but at the same time, it makes sense. 

Taehyung looked over to Jungkook and saw a flash of hurt go across the older man's face. But Taehyung quickly covered it up with a shrug with the thought that it was nothing. 

"I understand," Jungkook's voice was low and exhausted. If Taehyung didn't listen to it carefully, he wouldn't catch it. 

"I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just not used to it." 

Jungkook smiled. In relief, of course. Maybe Taehyung was trying to make him feel better, which he had succeeded, but the thought that Taehyung only said it for pity, only hurt him more. 

Jungkook sucked in a deep breath to cool his burning heart. "It's getting cold, don't go out too often, you might get sick." 

Taehyung nodded, but paid him no mind as he was too busy painting. "I know." Was all he said. 

"I wasn't going to tell you," Taehyung slowed down his painting as the atmosphere got serious, "but my mom wanted me to go visit Seokjin hyung for a few days." 

Taehyung wasn't supposed to care. He just did, somehow. He blamed it all on the fact that Seokjin hurt his brother, but he knows it was more than that. 

"May I know why? Don't get me wrong, it's just that your mom just came back, and now she wants you to go?" 

"My mom said Seokjin hyung doesn't look very healthy, and since I'm closer to him, I think it's right if I pay him a visit." 

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