The Talk

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"Are you drunk?" Scarlett asked from the bathroom.

Y/N sat down on her bed, "No, you?"

After spending some quality time together, they all decided to call it a night.

"No," Scarlett answered, "Does that mean we can't have sex?" She asked.

Y/N laughed, "No, dork."

"I'm your dork, though." Scarlett said, getting out of the bathroom.

And once again, Y/N was entranced by the sight of the green-eyed beauty. She changed her clothes, she's now wearing some pajama shorts and a white thin shirt and Y/N can see through that shirt—and she can see Scarlett's nipples.

Oh my god. This is just great. Y/N thought and just looked away. She pretended that she was tidying her bed.

"You were my dork." Y/N said, emphasizing the word were.

Scarlett smiles a little, nodding her head. "Yeah, right." She said and sat down on her bed, facing Y/N's bed. "Can we talk?"

"We're talking." Y/N said.

"No, I know." Scarlett said and sighed. "I mean, can we have that talk? When Downey asked why we're not back together, you said that it's a conversation that only us should be having."

"Oh," Y/N said and nodded her head. She won't act like a bitch and run away from this. She faced Scarlett, they're sitting across from each other. "Sure."

Scarlett smiles a little, "Thank you."

"No, thank you." Y/N said, looking between Scarlett's eyes, "You know, if you didn't initiate this conversation, nothing will be said because I won't make the first move. Not again. You know that I've tried so hard when you were still my girlfriend, but you're not really that easy to approach when it comes to conversation as serious as this, at least not when I wanted to tell you how much you were hurting me." She said.

"I know, I'm so sorry. I was too blinded by my own emotions and feelings, I was selfish. But I promise you, I've changed. And I can be better for you—I want to be better, for us. I want you so much, Y/N. I never stopped loving you. I'm miserable without you." Scarlett said and she stood up, walking towards Y/N.

"How can I trust you again, Scar? You've made promises before, but you still hurt me." Y/N said, her eyes held sadness.

Scarlett kneeled in front of Y/N and held her hands. "I know now what it's like to lose you, and it made me bitter, it made me miserable. I don't want to live without you, Y/N. I can swear to you and whoever's above that I won't ever make the same mistakes. I can't promise that I won't hurt you because that's how relationship works, we will hurt each other eventually. But what I can promise you is that you won't get hurt by what drove you away from me. I love you so much, Y/N. I'm so in love with you and it's killing me because I can't have you."

Y/N bit her bottom lip, stopping herself from crying.

"Please, give me another chance. I promise that you won't regret it." Scarlett said, "I'm not expecting you to take me back as your lover at this very moment, but please, tell me that I can show you my love again. Please, tell me that I still have a chance." She said.

Y/N smiles softly and caresses Scarlett's cheek, "I'm gonna give you another chance, Scar. I'm gonna give you my heart for the second time, and that means that you'll have the power to either break it again or take care of it. And that scares me, but I love you. So, I'm taking this risk with you. Don't waste this chance, okay?"

Scarlett smiles so wide and she nodded her head, "Yes, I won't! Oh, god." She said, and hugged Y/N's legs.

Y/N smiles, and kissed Scarlett's head. "See? Talking heart to heart is healthy."

Scarlett looked up at Y/N with an adorable smile, "It feels good, thank you. I love you, Y/N." She said.

Y/N smiles, "Adorable. I love you, too."

"You're saying it back," Scarlett said, playing with Y/N's pajama short. "Does it mean that... I'm your girlfriend again?"

Y/N chuckle softly, she cupped Scarlett's cheeks and leaned down, giving Scarlett a soft kiss on the lips. "Yes, Scar."

Scarlett stood up and cheered, doing a little dance. "Yes, yes, yes!"

"You are my dork." Y/N said, giggling. But she stood up and joined Scarlett with her little and funny dance.

Scarlett laughed, nodding her head. Then she held Y/N's hands and they danced around the room. Both hearts were happy and content.


Author: yey! Have a great day/night, loves!💗

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