Metting Roger

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I was on my way to the bar I usually went to on Friday. Sometimes I went with friends but today they all had stuff on, but why not come down. I enjoyed being at the bar, getting to listen to the music. There was a band called 'Smile' that always played on a Friday. The blonde one caught my eye but my never spoke and never saw him apart from at the bar.

I only live a little bit away from the bar, so why not have a treat. I kept drinking, and without realising I was drunk before I knew it! The band were still playing but the headache i have is louder. I had to go outside, get some fresh air. The closest door was the back exit, so that's where I went.

"You don't look good at all do you?" Someone said, startling me a bit. I wasn't  sure who it was. "I'm fine, why does it matter to you anyways when I don't know you?" I said, quite harshly if I'm honest. "Geez calm down, I've seen you around the bar but you've never gotten drunk." This man was starting to irritate me. I wanted to know who it was. "God just tell me who you are!" "Roger, Roger Taylor" he said, stepping forward a bit so I could see him. He looks so familiar but I can't grasp who he is. "Drummer of smile?" He says, almost confused as to how I don't know him. Then it hit me, so it was! I was just about to say something back when all of a sudden *crash*...I'd hit the floor and blacked out.

When I woke up I had a pounding headache, and no clue where I was. I didn't recognise it at all. I was still tired, but have no clue how long I was out for. Someone appeared in the doorway, "oh looks like you're up then." He says with a chuckle. This time I knew exactly who he was and actually couldn't believe it. I was in the Roger Taylor's house. "Shall I grab you some breakfast, maybe some water?" He says. His voice was so comforting, calming even.

"If it's no bother I'd love some breakfast. I'm a bit hungry now"

"Of course love, what do you fancy?"

"Oh I don't mind, anything I'm just starving"

" does a baked potato sound?"

"Oh yes that sounds great!"

I sat down and put on the television for a bit, while he was making breakfast. I was a bit confused as to how I got here, but I figured I'd wait till he was back to ask.

Breakfast was ready and Roger came and sat next to me on the couch.

"How did I get here?" I asked, so quiet it was almost whispering.

"You crashed at the bar, after one of my shows. You got quite drunk and came out the back, spoke for a bit and then just crashed. So I figured I'd just bring you back to mine to make sure you were alright. I hope that's okay?"

"Yes it's fine, I was just curious. I can't remember anything from last night."

It was silent for a moment, nothing but the television.

"We'll come on, let's eat!"

I started eating, almost as if I hadn't eaten in days! After we had eaten he had to get back to the band, which was fine as I had to get back to my house. My parents would sure kill me if they knew I was with a boy right now.

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