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I could hear distant mumbling, talking. I couldn't make out what they were saying.

I slowly opened my eyes, and I heard someone rush over to me.

"Y/N oh thank god you're awake I'm so sorry are you okay I really hope you're not too badly hurt." The man said.

The room was bright, and my vision was still blurry.

"Hm? Who's that?" I mumbled, it hurt to talk.

"John..I hope it's alright that I came to see you." He said, calmly.

John? Where had I heard that? It was familiar.. John...devin?? No that wasn't it.. DEACON!

"Hi John, yes it's fine.." I replied, very slowly and quietly.

I heard more footsteps through the door, and there stood 3 more men in front of me. All of them in tears, puffy eyes from crying.

"Y/N darling, oh are you alright I'm so sorry we weren't there for you. It's all our fault oh my dear!" One of them said, running over to me and hugging me. His hands were rough against the scratches on my back. I couldn't quite remember his name, but I remember his face.

"Oh my dear!? I'm so sorry if that hurt..I didn't know they were on your back too-" he stated, sobbing a little more. He turned me round to look at my back.

Gasps filled the room, as they all came over to look at my back.

I was still too tired and weak to care what they were doing, I remember being close with these people.

"Guys it's not your fault, don't worry. If I'm honest I can't remember what happened or why I'm here. And I can't remember your names..sorry!" I said, turning round to look at them.

They laughed a bit.

"We'll I'm John, as you know."

"Brian.." he started to get a bit more teary eyed.

"Freddie, darling. Again I'm so sorry."

"It's fine, seriously" I said, I looked over to the blonde one.

I couldn't remember his name but I do remember waking up and seeing him, panicking and leaving.

Why did I panic at the sight of him? he cheated...

"Um..Roger." He said with a small smile, I smiled back.

"We really do apologise Y/N.." Brian started.

"No. If anyone should be saying sorry it's me. I'm the reason she left the house in such a hurry. I saw her leave but just figured she needed space. I didn't go after her. It was only that afternoon I started to worry." Roger stated, crying a bit more now.

"Right can someone actually tell me what happened before yous all start blaming yourselves?" I asked, sitting up. That was a pain but I still did it.

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