Roger's home

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God, today was so boring. Nothing happened at all. I was sick of the house being so empty all the time.

The band were meant ti be coming back today, but I figured they'd probably all stay at one of their houses to discuss some stuff.

I went for a shower, I didn't really need one but I just wanted ti freshen up.

It was still so quiet, so I decided to sing a bit. I can't sing for my life but it was something.

Killer queen was my favourite song by queen, so that's what I went with.

"She keeps a Moët a Chandon, in her pretty cabinet" I started, I was making sure to keep in time, even though I had no music.

"Let them eat cake she says, just like Marie Antoinette" someone continued, it startled me and I ended up getting soap in my eyes.

"Dear god who's there!?"

"Hi love, how've you been then?" Roger says, he was standing, leaning against the doorway.

"Well I was fine till I got soap in my eyes!!" I said, rubbing my eyes. Jesus that hurt so bad.

"Oh ye, sorry bout that love. Here let me help."

He came over and helped me rinse my eyes out a bit.

"Ok wait till I get out rog"

"Ughhh don't be long love"

"I won't, now get out" I said, chuckling and splashing him a bit with water.

I got out as quickly as possible, and dried myself off.

I put on the t-shirt I had in before and put on a pair of jeans.

"ROGERRR!!!" I screamed as I ran to him. I jumped onto him for a hug.

"MY LOVE!!!" H es creamed and caught me.

He held me for a few minutes, as we just embraced the moment.

I missed him so much ,it was great to see him again.

"I've missed you so much rog" I said, still hugging him.

"I've missed you more my love" he said, he hadn't really. We all knew I missed him more😍.

It was dinner time, so I made a start. I decided spaghetti would be good. So I put the spaghetti into a pan and started in the sauce.

Before I knew it someone's arms had wrapped around my waist and turned me.

It was roger of course, but he still caught me off guard.

He pulled me in for a kiss. His lips were so soft. He smelt like cigarettes and vodka but his kisses were so good.

"Cosmetic on rog, you know I have to finish dinner"

"Oh I know love, but I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too rog, but let me finish the dinner"

With that he walked away to the sitting room.

I finished making it and dishes it up on plays for us to eat.

I turned the TV on and started eating.

We ate in almost complete silence, but it was nice aswell.

When we were both finished I got up to do the dishes.

"Here love, let me do them."

"No I will do them." I said, standing my ground.

It didn't work very well..

He picked me up and put me down on the couch, he kissed me all around my neck.

"Stay here, I will do the dishes. Ok love?"

"Ok rog, if you say so."

I sat and waited for him.

He came back with a medium sized box.

He opened it to show me what was inside it. It was a beautiful necklace, with little gems on the centre piece. It was magnificent.

"Oh wow rog, this is beautiful!"

"It's for you my love? I want you to wear it all the time, so you remember I love you."

"Ok rog if you say so. Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too, Y/N"

Sorry this isn't much, huge writers block. I know how the story will go in a bit I just need to fill it in a bit. Thank you for reading this far. I hope you will continue reading my loves :))

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