The bar

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When we went back in we found roger with Brian and John.

"Right shall we head to the bar before it gets too late?" Freddie suggested.

"Yes I agree." Roger added.

"Right let's head then." Brian said, getting up from his seat.

We walked back to the car, I didn't bring anything up to roger. I didn't want to think the worst of him. He was different than Kyle was.

The bar was back in town so it was a bit of a drive, and once again I fell asleep.

This time when I woke up my head was resting on Rogers shoulder. With him stroking my hair.

"Right let's go!" John said. I wasn't sure if he actually wanted to be there but he was happier there than at the club.

We all went over to the bar to order some drinks.

"I'll have a champagne please" Freddie said.

"Uh, cider please" Brian said, quite out of it.

"I'll just have a water" John said with a smile.

"A beer for me" roger said.

"Make that 2" I added.

We got our drinks and almost downed them instantly.

We ordered a few more rounds each. Roger and Brian were both fighting who could drink the most.

They ended in a draw, both completely stone drunk.

I went up to the front, there was a band playing. It reminded me of when I'd be at the bar listening to Smile. how far I've come from there.

I was listening to them for a while. It wasn't a proper band. More like a little skit.

"Y/N here have these"

Freddie quickly put something in my pocket. I wasn't sure what it was. He walked off very quickly, he seemed almost scared, but off what?

I pulled what he put in my pocket out.

I stared, not even changing the expression on my face at what was infront of me.

2 pictures..2 pictures I will never forget.

It was then I realised why Freddie was scared.

"Y/N, love have you seen Freddie, I need to talk to him." Roger asked, quite angry.

"About what?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, band stuff. Very important." He said, while looking around eagerly.

"Roger how fucking could you?!" I said bursting into tears.

He looked down at me, and then the pictures. It was too late. Freddie had given me the pictures. Roger, kissing another girl.

"I..Y/N I'm sorry.."

"No roger, you're not. Freddie was right about you. You're not different than Kyle."

I started taking the necklace he's given me off.

"No! No please! Please don't take it off!" Roger started tearing up aswell.

Brian had overheard and looked over.

I took the necklace off and shoved it into rogers hands.

"Here, now you can give it to your other girls."

I walked out as fast as possible. I wasn't sure where to go. I just walked to the nearest open shop.

I could hear very light footsteps behind me but I didn't want to look back.

I wish I never walked into that shop. The radio was on..

"Now, let's get some queen on! Let's put on my all time favourite so far!"

Sheer heart attack came on. It wasn't even a sad, or romantic song. But the memories it brought back. When me and roger were happy..

"Y/N?" A voice said.

I was lightheaded from the drinks and couldn't tell who it was.

"If you're roger piss off!"

"It's Brian..."

I started crying.

"Hey's okay. It's not your fault. Rogers a bitch."

"I don't have anywhere to go Brian!" I said tearing up again.

"You can come with me..but as much as I'll hate it I do have to put Roger home on the way.."

"It's fine but I'm not sitting with him."

"No I wouldn't make you. You can sit in the front with me and Freddie."

We walked back to the bar. We didn't care if the others wanted to leave yet or not, we were leaving.

"Y/N are you okay? You look very sad." John asked.

"I'm..I'm alright I you can have a look for yourself." I said, handing him the photos.

"Oh dear god..what has he done." John said, handing me the photos back band bringing me in for a hug.

If I'm honest I had suspicions he was losing interest in me. He went out at nights a lot more, so it didn't hurt that he did what he did as much as it would have if he gave me everything. It hurts so much because he was one of the first people I'd ever opened up to about Kyle, and he did just the same.

"Roger, here now!"

Roger knew what he'd done.

"Y/N, please-" roger started.

"No, shush. She doesn't want to talk to you." Brian said.

With that we all left.

"That was a dick move roger.." John said in the back of the car."

"Ye, I know." Roger was looking out the window the whole time. I was crying into Freddie's shoulder.

We dropped roger off and all went back to Brian's.

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