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You know maybe roger was different. Maybe he wouldn't be like Kyle..or I hope not. He truly is the best person ever. I love him so much.

Since what happened and the hospital I've moved in with roger. He said since we were official it would be nice to always have me around. I agreed..and living with him would be great.

The band had to leave for their tour in America, which was quite sad. I'd have to go ages without seeing them.

"You could always come with us?" Brian piped up.

"No, bills, work, family. It wouldn't work. It's fine, but yous have to call as much as you can whilst yous are away."

"Of course darling! I wouldn't want it any other way" Freddie said. "But guys do you please think we can start packing the van up?"

"Oh ye, forgot about that" roger said.

I really was gonna miss them. And the house was gonna feel so empty without roger. But there wasn't much I could do about it. I had to let them go.

My mum came over for a bit that day, said she didn't want me to be lonely. She knew how close me and Roger were so it made sense. I always visited her.

I made us some lunch and we sat in the living room watching the TV. I had no idea what was on but she chose it so I was happy to watch it with her.

"So how's the band getting on?" She said after a long bit of silence.

"Oh ye, fine. They've gone for a tour in America actually. That's why the house is a bit empty." I said, taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Oh my goodness, are they really!? That's great. Have you got any of their music I can have a listen to?"

I only had killer queen at that point. She said it was fine she just wanted to hear them.

I put it on and let it play. She listened in awe. I think she liked it.

"What a unique band! Their voices are great. A lot of range isn't there?"

"Ye there sure is. I can't wait to see how far they'll go"

She knew about me and roger so that bit wasn't awkward at all. We spoke about the band and how they all met.

Come to think of it I never actually knew how they found John and Freddie, but I'm glad they did because they are so perfect as a band.

When my mum left It was very quiet..almost too quiet. Eventually the phone rang.


"Y/N ITS US!!" I heard multiple people scream over the phone.

"HI GUYS!! Yous took your time in calling"

"We wanted to get unpacked and all that, how was today?"

"Boring, but my mum came over for almost the whole day so that was good"

"How quiet is the house now you don't have Roger making a racket?" John asked in a joking manner.

"Oi what you saying about me? And who's on the phone?"



"Roger slow down...I'm fine, everything's fine and yes of course I miss you."

"Ok, good"

"Oh ye, remember to check in Mary and the cats for me darling."

"Yes, I'll go check on them first thing tomorrow Fred :)"

"Thank you"

"Right I'm off to bed so, goodnight guys, I love yous all"

"Night! Love you too"

"GOODNIGHT MY LOVE HAVE A GREAT NIGHT SLEEP AND DON'T WAKE UP TOO EARLY" I heard roger shouting from the other end, making me laugh.

"Tell rog I love him more, and don't let him argue." I said laughing

I hung up the phone and went to bed. I was exhausted if I'm honest. Couldn't be bothered staying awake.

The rest of the America tour went the same really. Nothing fun happened. But the boys had great fun. Apparently it went great, which I'm sure it did..they always do great.

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