About time!

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I rushed to the hall as quickly as I possibly could. I know I didn't really want to see Roger after what he did to me but it had been a year since I'd seen any of them.

There was a huge crowd right outside, how would I ever get through!?

This was going to be harder than I thought. I pushed and pushed my way through. I could see them, but barely.

"Please, not too many photos." Roger said as he walked out. I missed his voice.

"Wait, this is my bad side." Freddie kept saying.

I pushed and pushed, but as I did someone had pushed me over, causing me to fall flat on my face.

Laughter flew through the crowd of people.

"Oh my! Dear are you alr- Y/N!?" Freddie said, helping me up.

"Oh it really is you!!! It's been ages!" Brian exclaimed.

Roger had gone back in to get something. I still didn't want to se whim really.

"Shall me and you go for a coffee, I suppose you're not really in the mood to see Roger?" Freddie asked.

"No not really. Or not juts yet, maybe later." I said.

With that Freddie told the others to make up and excuse and said we'd be back in maybe an hour or so.

We walked off to a nice cafe. It was new open so I hadn't been before. It was a very cozy place. With plenty of paintings on the wall. No wonder Freddie liked it.

"So how have things been??" He asked me.

"Boring, not seeing yous has not been fun. Nothing new at all. But as I promised I have all your records!!" I replied.

"Oh my! I never thought you would actually get all them. Any boyfriends yet??" He asked after, taking a sip of his coffee.

"No, I don't want to. 2 people doing the same thing to me. I don't even want to try it again." I replied, looking down.

"What about you? Still with Mary??" I asked.

"Nope, we broke up a while back now." He said, looking a bit sad.

"Oh, I'm so sorry for you."

"No it's fine, it's my fault. I had thought about it but I quite fancy guys you know?" He said, looking a bit nervous.

"Like..gay??" I asked.

"Well yeah..."

"Oh that's wonderful Fred!!" I said, I was so happy he'd found himself and that he was happy.

He looked up shocked.

"Wait, you don't think I'm weird?"

"No of course not!! You're just being yourself!"

"Thank you darling ,I haven't been too open because I wasn't sure how people would react."

"We'll I think it's wonderful, you shouldn't care what others think."

"Yes I know. Oh my! Look at the time. We'd best head back." Freddie said, taking the last drink he had of his coffee.

"Yes we should." I said, taking the last sip of mine.

We started heading back.

Brian and John had already seen me, but the shock on rogers face said everything.

He didn't come over to me. He saw that it was me and left it at that.

"Is it alright if Y/N tags along for a bit?" Freddie asked them.

"Of course, we have so much to catch up on!" Brian said.

"Yes that's fine." John said with a smile.

"Rog? Is it alright with you?" Freddie asked. He would never do something with lout the whole band agreeing.

"Ye it's fine." Roger said, not looking up.

That was that settled. We went back to Brian's place. It was the biggest so it made more sense.

We all sat around and had dinner. I was sat next to freddie and roger.

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