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After about a week I was allowed back out of the hospital. I ended up staying with Roger for a while so I could recover, and so he could watch over me (his words not mine!!)

We hadn't told the others about us yet. Didn't want them teasing and what not but they definitely had suspicions..

"So uh..Rogah..when you gonna get her then?"
John would ask, with a chuckle in the middle.

"Oh go away would you! If im gonna get her it'll be in a romantic way.

I don't know what he meant by romantic. But I don't think the hospital was what he had in plan.

I came to almost every practice they had, and I made sure I went to all their gigs.

They had a really big gig one night, in one of the biggest bars in the town! Everyone loved them of course. They'd changed their name from 'Smile' to 'Queen'. It suited them.

After the show we all went and got drinks from the bar.

"It's on the house, and I'm guessing this lady is with one of yous?" The barman said, winking at me.

"Oh ye, she's with the Blondie." Freddie said, nudging Roger.

Roger didn't say anything in return, but gave Freddie a nasty look.

There were girls all over Roger all night, and boys all over me.

It was awkward, every time I'd look over to him he'd have another girl trying to kiss him or whatever. I'd have another boy trying to touch me up and all that.

When we got away and got to the lounge it was so much better than out there.

"I'm sorry about that love.." he said, sounding quite guilty.

"Oh no don't bother, it's not your fault. I'm sorry aswell. I have a feeling this kind of thing is gonna happen a lot..?"

"Ye, I'm really sorry it shouldn't have to happen... but we haven't told anyone so what is there to expect?"

"I suppose, I'm a bit tired can we go to sleep?

"Of course, after I get a kiss" he said, smirking.

He held my chin and kissed me, deepening the kiss every now and then.

"Woah woah woah what's going on in here?" *click click*

Oh shit, who was that?

Roger pulled his lips off of me and turned around.

The voice had startled me..

"Oh gods sake Freddie..can you not just leave us alone for a while.

He had a camera in his hands..explains the clicking.

"You want to see the photos?" He said.

"YOU TOOK PHOTOS!?" Roger shouted.

"Shh darling, do you want the others to know?"
He said, waving the photos.

The photos were adorable. You snatched them from Freddie's hands and showed Roger.

"So um.."

"Shush Freddie." Roger said, sternly. He was analysing the photos, he smiled a little aswell.

He looked at them for a little longer. He gave them back to me and I put them on the bedside table.

"What we're you saying?" Roger said finally.

"Umm..oh yes! Do you want to tell me what's going on between yous?"

Me and Roger looked at eachother, half happy someone asked but also half shocked.

I nodded, to tell him he could tell Freddie if he wanted.

"Me and Y/N are going out..."

"Oh my! That's wonderful darlings!!" He pulled us in for a hug.

"How long has it been going on then?"

"Um..about a month now I think" I said..roger was counting on his fingers.

"So our suspicions were right?" Freddie said, winking.

"Yes they were" I said laughing.

"1 month and 3 days!" Roger said, after counting on his fingers.

"That's very specific" I said chuckling.

"Do the others know?" Freddie asked.

"Not yet..I don't know how they'll take it.."

"Roger for goodness sake we've always said yous would get together..they'll be thrilled!"

"You tell them then Freddie.."

"Ok I will." And with that he left.

"Ok now I'm really tired. Let's get to sleep"

"Ye good idea"

Roger opened his arms so I could snuggle up to him..we fell asleep with him holding me.

"Oh Freddie was right!"

"I could always see this happening"

"They're so cute"

"Look at them!"

I could hear all this very slightly as I was waking up. Maybe it was the end of a dream.

When I opened my eyes, they were standing at the front of the bed.

"Oh well good morning" Brian said, leaning against the door frame.

Roger woke up aswell.

"Morning lovebirds" John said.

Roger rubbed his eyes and just stared at them.

"Wh- what are yous doing here?"

"Just wanted to check up in the lovebirds"

"Oh Freddie did actually tell yous then?"

"Yep, we got photos of yous sleeping."
John said

"And we found the ones on the bedside table." Brian said, holding them up and chuckling.

"What one's on the bedside table..oh wait never mind.."

"Oi give them back they're mine!" I said at him.


"All I can say is I told you they were going out" John said.

"Shut up deacy we all knew aswell" Brian said rolling his eyes.

Sorry this is a long chapter, I got very sucked into it aha.

Keep reading loves x

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