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We sat in silence for a few minutes, all looking down at our feet.

"We'll, who's starting?" I piped up eventually.

"The other day when we had an interview you came to see us after the interview. That same night we all had dinner together and all had a few drinks." Freddie started.

"After we were all tipsy we started playing truth or dare. It was going fine and we all got a bit more drunk." John continued.

"Freddie dared you to kiss me, which because you're single and didn't care, you did." Brian said.

"I got pissed if at this, I still saw you as a close friend. I left the house and you came to find me. We spoke a bit outside, and then came back in and spoke more." Roger said, still looking down at his feet.

"Yous fell asleep on eachother and cuddled the whole night." Brian said.

"When you woke up you had forgotten last the previous night and panicked when you saw you were in bed with roger, I heard all this bit." John continued.

"You left the house in a hurry, I saw you leave but as I said, I thought you needed space so I just left you." Roger said.

"It was only that afternoon we got concerned, so we told the police" Freddie said.

"Oh ye, I remember waking up 4 days later and hearing that on the radio." I replied.

"What happened to you? Like what did the man do." Brian asked.

"Oh you know, tied me up, cut all along me chest and back." I replied, tracing my hand over my chest.

"What about your neck?" Roger asked, now looking up extremely seriously.

He had been crying that whole time the story was told.

"That was when he heard people upstairs. He slashed my neck, I'm guessing in hopes to kill me?" I replied.

"He nearly fucking did. I swear" roger said.

"Rog, come here." I said, patting the bed next to me.

He came and sat next to me. I put my head in his shoulder and gave him a hug. He turned so he was more towards me, and just hugged me.

I held him there, and heard a few sobs. I motioned for the others to leave.

"I'm so sorry Y/N I- I didn't mean to do what I did last year. I truly didn't. And now this. It..it's all my fault. If I had just went after you, or didn't let you go. I should've been there for you. Please, please forgive me I truly am sorry." He said, crying just a little bit more now.

"Rog, it's alright. It was a wrong place wrong time situation. I dint blame you, or anyone. Of course I forgive you." I said, hugging him.

"Things will never be the same, but please let me always be there to protect you from now on." He said, now looking at me, tears running down his cheeks.

I wiped the tears away, and pulled him in for a hug.

"Of course, just please, be more careful when you're drunk?" I asked him.

"Yes, I've seen what happens now and what the consequences can be"

The others flooded back in the room and we all hugged eachother, and cried a bit more.

After a week I was released from the hospital. I went round every show if queens and went in all their tours.

I was closer than ever with all of them, and roger was always there to keep me safe. He also lived up to his promise and stayed off the drinking a bit more. But we all still had a few drinks.

I was still a bit scared about going out on my own, so now I always had one of them come with me.

Everywhere they went they were loved. Their albums started selling more and they were doing bigger shows.

I was happier than ever, I was the happiest I had been in a long time. And I was now surrounded by the people I love most.

The end.

I'm so sad this is done but at the same time I didn't know what to write at the end bits. What do yous all think? Any ideas for future stories??

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