The secrets out!

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I woke before him, and carefully climbed off him. When I went through John was already tidying the place up a I started helping.

"You got a headache then?" John said, not looking at me but in a funny way.

"Absolute huge headache, how much alcohol did I drink?" I said, rubbing my head.

"Far too much, that's what! You need to be more careful with alcohol!"

"I know, but it was a great night.. what happened cause I can't remember anything?"

John was if he was hiding something.

"John!?" I said, raising my eyebrow.

"Well let's just say that you and Roger confessed you loved eachother..and fell asleep on the couch. Look I have photos!"

They were great photos..cute ones actually..but I was shocked we confessed. I also hoped Roger was as drunk as me.

"Shit! I promised I'd never do that! For fuck sake..was he drunk??" I said, pacing back and forth..

"Yes, I don't know if he'll remember though.."

Roger walked through the door at this point and walked over to me. Placing his hands around my waist and kissing my forehead.

"Hey love, do you want some water?" He asked..

"Yes please, that would be great.." I said, kinda quietly.

He went off to get and John looked at eachother..

Roger was gone for a short while before coming back.

You forgot about the photos..but it was too late.

Roger had spotted them and picked them up. He analysed them..giggling every now and then.

"What happened last night was great!" He exclaimed.

"Do you remember it all?" I said, with a bit of fear in my voice.

"Yep! Every part of it..:)"

Shit, he knew in that case..

"Even you liking me" he whispered into my ear..winking at me.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't want ti say anything..I promised I'd never tell him.

I ran out, it was a bad decision but I didn't know what else to do.

I didn't go to my place, he knew where I lived. I couldn't go to his cause he'd look there aswell. I went to the beach instead.

I told him a while ago that I loved the beach. I didn't want to tell him or see him for a bit but I kinda wanted him to come find me.

I ran out, with him shouting my name after me.

I managed to reach the beach quite quickly..and I hadn't heard Roger shout my name for a while.

It was nice just being on my own..I could think for once.

I was there for about 3 hours before someone came and tapped my shoulder.

I expected Roger..but it was Brian.

He just sat down beside me.

"Beautiful view isn't it?" He said.

"Ye, I love the beach."

"Ye me too...why did you run off?" He asked.

I was almost trying to fight back tears.

"Me and Roger got drunk last night and we confessed that we loved eachother. I promised I'd never tell him!!"

"Oh but I'm sure he doesn't remember.." Brian said..trying to comfort me.

"No..he does remember..he told me.."

"Hm..that really is annoying. But you know he's really worried about you. He won't stop going on about how he's lost you forever, he trashed the place thinking he hurt you. I'm surprised I even made it out alive to come find you... why didn't you want him to know? Isn't it obvious he cares and loves you a lot. I don't think he's be like Kyle at all."

"I don't know..I just haven't fallen in love since we broke up because I couldn't deal with the heartbreak. I just don't want to be like that again."

There was a moment of silence before you spoke again.

"I really want to give him a chance, he's the only person I've actually had feelings for since me and Kyle..I just don't want to be Broken  after.."

"I'm sure he wouldn't, he cares about you too much.. now come on, let's head back."

And with that you left to go back to the bar, where the others were waiting.

Rogers loveUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum