The club

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"I was thinking.." roger started

"Guys did you hear that!?" John said.

"Hear what????" Brian said, startled.

Everyone looked at John.

"Rogers been thinking!" John continued

"Oh shut up would you" roger said in a huff now.

"Oh my, it's a miracle!" Brian said.

"We're so proud of you rog!!" Freddie said.

"Right shut it. Anyways, maybe we should go to a bar or a club to celebrate the new albums release? We haven't gone out as a band in so long." roger said with a smile.

"Actually that's a pretty good idea rog! We haven't gone out in  a while. Ok let's do it tonight!" Freddie continued.

We all went home to get changed into our outfits. We decided we would go to a club first and then a pub. It had been ages since we all went out so why not make the most of it.

"Rog!! Come here!" I shouted through the house.

"What's wrong love?! Are you ok!!?" He screamed back whilst running into the room.

"Ye I'm fine, how does this look on me??" I said, giving him a twirl.

"Oh for gods sake I thought you'd fallen or something! Yes you look absolutely stunning in that love." He said coming over and kissing me.

"Ok, when is it we're meeting them??" I asked. Grabbing my bag.

"They said they'll be here at half 7 so.. 5 minutes." He replied, going to the kitchen to grab something.

*honk honk*

"That'll be them, come on if not they'll rush us around." Roger said, he was right they were quite impatient sometimes.

"Alright alright we're here. Calm down." I said as we got in the car.

The club was a little while away so I fell asleep on the way.

I woke up with my head resting in Johns shoulder and him sleeping with his head resting on my head.

Roger didn't look too happy at this sight but oh well.

"Right, let's go." Brian said.

We all got out the car and headed for the club.

"Y/N can I have a word?" Roger asked.

"Ye of course, what's up?" I asked.

"Are you and John really close because yous were sleeping like resting on eachother?" He asked.

"I suppose, I'm close with yous all, but I'm closer with you than any of the others." I said giving him a kiss.

We walked in holding hands. I didn't really know what to do, I've never been at a club before.

I just sat around most the time. Freddie came over and said he wanted to talk a little. He seemed extremely serious.

"Can we speak outside, it's important."

I walked out with him, I had been on my own most the night, Roger was nowhere to be found and the other were checking out the girls.

"You want one?" Freddie asked, pulling out a packet of cigarettes.

"Uh, I've never smoked before but ye please, tonight's been boring so far."

He took one out and gave it to me, and then put one in his own mouth. He took out his lighter and lit them both.

I took a drag and choked almost instantly.

"Geez how do people do these so easily"

"Haha, practice darling. Anyways I wanted to ask you something... but I don't think you'll like this conversation at all."

I was getting anxious now. I didn't know what he'd ask me but he seemed very serious.

"Have you seen roger tonight?" He asked..not looking at me.

"Well, not since we got here. He's come over every now and then but no.." I answered, looking at the ground.

"Thought so...Y/N don't get angry with Brian at all..but he told me about you and Kyle..and I thought you would want to know something about roger.."

"What is it?" I could feel my heart pounding.

"He, well he hasn't had a good background with girls before. In fact we're surprised he's kept you as long as he has."

What did he mean by that?

"What are you on about?"

"He doesn't know how to keep girls. Every girlfriend he's had has left him because he cheated. Usually after the first month aswell."

Me and roger had been going out for a bit 9 months a record for him apparently?

"We thought you would be the one, because he hasn't even brought up other girls and he pushes them away at all the shows. Even the tour of America he made sure not a single girl was near him."

That was so sweet, but why was Freddie bringing this up?

"Why are you bringing this up?" I asked, taking another drag of the cigarette.

"Well, this is a club... and you haven't seen him all night."

He was right, it was a bit weird. But I'd rather not think of it Like that.

"I'm sure I'm overthinking but it's something you might want to know. But he truly loves you."

You might be able ti see where this is going but hey ho. I hope you're enjoying!!

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