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I'll say it now, there will be a good amount of gore and all that. Just a TW yk.⚠️

I woke up with not a lot of memory of the night before, but I woke up next to Roger. It scared me, I hadn't seen him in a year? He cheated? Why was I here again??

I'd forgot about the party.. I'd figured I'd had a few drinks seen as I couldn't remember what happened but I don't know why I was with roger, he cheated. I was angry at him.

I panicked and ran out of the house. Memories flooded back of the first time I ran away from the boys.

I ran a few blocks down. Mainly just to clear my head and all that. It was peaceful, just walking round the streets. It was early so no one else was here.

*shuffle shuffle*

What was that? I must just be imagining things, it's a bit early and I wasn't fully awake.


I whipped my head round, nothing. What on earth.

I continued walking, and tried to out the thought out of my mind.

*shuffle shuffle..clack clack*

The sounds were getting closer, and quicker.


I was out, out cold.


After I had eventually woken up I was sat in a chair, with my hands and legs tied together and some tape over my mouth.

It was silent in the room, I was still panicking but there was nothing to do. Complete silence, apart from the radio.

"Today, the 25th of June, a girl has been reported missing for 4 days now. Police are doing all they can to find her. Sophie Smith."

That was me?

Last I remember was the 21st.. which was 4 days ago, shit.

A man walked in, knife in his hand.

This is it, this is when I die. I'll never get to see my family, my best friends again.

He took the knife and carefully ran his fingertips along it, before walking over to me and slowly taking it across my chest.

I whimpered at the touch of it. It was cold, sharp.
He chuckled at this, "what's the matter? Hmm? Oh that's right, you can't talk." He said, laughing.

He took the blade across my shoulders and back, slightly quicker this time to ensure they left their traces.

I tried to scream, but it was no use.

This continued for a while, me passing out in-between times.


A few days had passed, with the same stuff happening. I gave up on trying, what he did to me never hurt anymore. I didn't feel anything, I was numb.

There was a loud commotion upstairs, a lot of banging, crashing and shouting.

I felt weak and drained. I couldn't make out anything that was happening up there.

The man heard all this, made his way over to me and took the blade right across my neck.

The sharpest pain ever, I felt the blood gush down my neck.

I couldn't talk, scream, shout. I couldn't do anything.

The man ran upstairs, one loud crash and thud followed.

My vision went blurry, I knew what would happen. I was about to go out forever.

"Guys! Guys she's here" I heard a voice lightly shout, I had passed out, however I heard the persons voice crack as they said this.

I felt my body get taken into an ambulance, but after that was empty.

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